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  1. G

    VooDoo Model Boaters finally have a home.

    Pec, if you'll go back in this thread, it's pretty easy to see that you are the one that started it so maybe you should look at the mirror for the bully part. And for what, you must be trying to make some kind of point although from everything you've said so far it's not possible to tell what it...
  2. G

    VooDoo Model Boaters finally have a home.

    Pec, Obviously you haven't been to any of the races I've been to lately. Houston, BR, Durant, have all been great races. No, fights, arguements, or anything like that and I haven't seen a race yet that said nitro boats were not welcomed. If you are going to make posts like that, you should at...
  3. G


    Bob, I totally agree. That's why I just had a hard time believing that we were the sole reason for losing the site. Come to find out, the owner had the ATF out there last week at the request of some of the neighbors complaints of gun fire late at night. If you really break it down, the boats...
  4. G


    As a member of the LSMBC, yes it's true, the lake there is a done deal. Personally I think the noise from the boats being the real problem is a bunch of BS, but when you don't own the land there really isn't a lot you can do. I spent a good while talking with the guys that came down from Norway...
  5. G


    Joern, and all who made it a great race, It was really nice to have you come and race with us, especially coming from such a long way. We look forward to having you come back some time. A big thanks to everyone who came from out of town. The clock issue was a little bit of a bummer but the race...
  6. G

    off topic, Seaducer lsg for sale, like new

    Please send more info and photos to: [email protected] Thanks Gary Owens
  7. G

    Orlando Winternats a great success !!!!!!!!

    Don, with all due respect, I didn't say "Oh well", in that sentence. I was merely pointing out that it is a risk whether its a scale class or a 20 mono. I understand that the scales are a lot more but the same risk applies. It's the same with our scale helicopters. I can relate to it in that...
  8. G

    Orlando Winternats a great success !!!!!!!!

    After reading every post in this thread about the incident at the nats in the scale class, I have to wonder, when did this become something other than a hobby? I'm new to boating but not new to RC, I have been in some form of RC since the early 70's, the last 4 years I've spent flying...
  9. G

    We were hacked!

    Norton caught it here.