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  1. D

    Cowl for maus sport 40

    I was racing this weekend and lost my cowl for the Maus Sport 40. Does anyone know who sells them or where I can get one. Dan NOTE: Floatation is a wonderful thing, if you remember to put it in.
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    Remote Needle

    Where is a good place to buy remote needles for a picco 45 and a K&B 67. Manual or 3rd channel.
  3. D

    scale driver

    Where is a good place to get scale drivers. I've tried different searches but nothing.
  4. D

    Scale Driver

    Does anyone know where I can get a couple of scale drivers. I will be building the 1993 circus circus over the winter and need one. If anyone has any other information or ideas (if you have built one)about this boat let me know. Dan
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    Scale hulls

    Can anyone tell where is a good place to buy scale hulls. I live in Alberta Canada and I currently race a dumas circus circus. I was thinking about trying a different boat. ANY SUGGESTIONS? Also here is a pic of my scale.