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  1. D

    matrix rigger ride pads

    I'm building a matrix rigger kit and I can't tell buy the instructions how the angles ride pad is fitted to the sponson. Does anyone have any photos or can provide and explanation?
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    AMPBA Site gone?

    Can anyone else reach the AMPBA site? Its been down since late last night.
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    Cover for .21 Carby on OB

    I've been having a few problem with my Thunder Tiger Falcon with .21 ob fitted. If the boat spins out, the backend dips and the carby gets a big mouthful of water. I'm worried I'm going to bend a conrod or something. Should I put some sort of cover on the carby? I was thinking of a sort of...
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    Fuel Line set up

    I'm trying to work out how my fuel lines should be connected. In my boat I have a small tank that has one open line with which I fuel up through. This tank feeds into the main tank. Should I seal up the feed line or perhaps connect it to the overflow line from the carby?
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    Charging JR Transmitter and Receiver Batteries

    I have a transmitter and receiver battery pack with my JR XS3 and I'm not to sure on how long I should be charging the packs for. The transmitter has a 9.6v 1100mAh NiCd pack and the Receiver has a 6v 1100mAh NiCd pack The JR Charger outputs 11.6v 50mA and 5.8v 50mA How long should I put each...
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    ebay Gas Boat

    This gas 25.4 cc boat has been listed on ebay in Australia for $600 This seems pretty cheap and it says 15-20 days for delivery. I'm guessing these will be shipped direct from asia? Anyone know anything on the quality of the boats?
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    Electric Resucue Boat

    I recall seeing an electric rescue boat somewhere on the net. It had two long hulls at the front and could be used to "scoop" up a stalled nitro boat and return it to shore. It can't find it again tho, does anyone have any info on something like this?
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    Aquacraft V24 - In Australia?

    I was reading a RC Boat magazine and it had a review of the Aquacraft V24 in it. What a sweet looking boat. I did a bit of searching around but don't see anyone selling them in Australia. I understand the the radio that comes with it is not legal to run in Australia so I guess if anyone...
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    Nitro boats - fuel pump to refuel

    What is everyones preference for re-fueling nitro boats with small plastic tanks (6-8oz)? Is it disconnecting lines, unscrewing the cap and pouring the fuel in? or Using a small hand fuel pump and refueling through a filler valve or line?
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    Wanted-[Australia]: Nitro or Gas Boat for beginer

    I'm not too fussed about the type Mono, tunnel etc I would prefer something that I just need to add fuel and a receiver battery to. Well maybe some setup as long as all the parts are supplied.
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    Opinons on these Nitro boats?

    I found these two boats for sale and I was wondering what people thought of them? No 1 No 2 Are they anygood for an intro into Nitro type boat?
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    Aeroflyte Challenger

    I've been inspired by this thread and I found a Aeroflyte Challenger kit in a local shop. My plan is to transform this into a Micro RC. This will be my first real project as my only other boat is a RTR Grey Thunder (which I still need to do a motor upgrade on, but thats another story). I'm...
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    Canberra Meeting?

    I've been told a few of the ACT boaters get together at the Tuggeranong Lake every 3rd Saturday of the month. Anyone got any more details on this e.g. start time/finish time??
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    Discharging Batteries

    Hey all I'm kinda new to the scene so I'm looking around for tips and what not. I read somewhere that battery packs should be discharged before they are re-charged. Is this correct? If yes, what is the best way to do it?