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  1. outrigger

    90 outrigger pulls hard right.

    Ok thanks guys. Any idea on rudder size. The boat is 44"x24" I didn't know if there is a calculation for proper rudder size. Or is it more of a trial and error?
  2. outrigger

    90 outrigger pulls hard right.

    The prop is pretty sharp. Its been gone over polished and balanced. Plus I don't think the rudder is the problem it has a oversized pushrod and im using a life battery so that 1/4 scale servo should have lots of power.
  3. outrigger

    90 outrigger pulls hard right.

    What I thought was weird was when playing around with the prop height it seemed to like being 1/4 inch higher then the rear sponsons. I've always heard you wanted the center of the prop shaft level with the bottom of the sponsons. Anyways I'll pull the turn fin off next time I'm out and see...
  4. outrigger

    90 outrigger pulls hard right.

    Pics of turn fin and rudder
  5. outrigger

    90 outrigger pulls hard right.

    Hey guys I just got my 90 outrigger setup this weekend. (90 cmb with a 1667 prop) She has tons of speed but she pulls hard right when it gets on plane. The rudder has a huge 1/4 scale servo attached to it and trim is maxed out to the left to compensate but it still is pulling hard right. I've...