Recent content by cadillac


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  1. C

    What I saw in Las Vegas!

    On behave of all the nitro boaters here in Las Vegas I would like to thank all of the people who came to hang out, inquire and participate in the races here. We have a great pond here at sunset park and would like for others boaters to come out and enjoy it right alone with us. So the next time...
  2. C

    Outrigger Hull Wanted

  3. C

    Outrigger Hull Wanted

    Thanks guys Im still looking for one just in case that one doesn't come though :'(
  4. C

    Outrigger Hull Wanted

    Outrigger Hull Wanted Im looking to buy an Eagle S G Nitro Outrigger or a Jaguar outrigger or maybe even a roadrunner outrigger one of those will due. Just something i can put a 67,80 or a 90 in
  5. C

    posting a photo

    Thank you, We express how We feel with our toys (some people drink buds-Miss Budweiser or like the Circus-Miss Circus Circus. Me, I live in Las Vegas I Love Women.The Lap Dancer. Relax Guys there only toys. Its a hobby not a lifestyle.... 8)
  6. C

    posting a photo

    Hey ron thanks but ive tryed that also and its just not working for me any other things that I can do ?OH HEY There it is, sorry its working now Thank You Very Much!
  7. C

    posting a photo

    Can someone please teach me how to post a picture on this fourm I tried to attach ____ browse... and my photo did not post. Someone HELP ME P L E A S E ???
  8. C

    steve mucks hull ?

    I purchased this hull and I was told it was a Steve mucks hull can anyone collaborate this and if so how can I get intouch with him? ???[/img]C:Documents and SettingsOwnerMy DocumentsMy PicturesboatPicture 012.jpg