The next step


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Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2002
Well all you designers and builders, Scratch yer head and lets talk some, What ya think the next logical step is on design or construction of these lil beauts :D

Also racers, Where would like to see it go ?

Such as:

More use of composite materials

Different use of aero or hydrodynamics

Current designs peaked out, Or just scratched the surface


Gene B)
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Ya know me. Right now just following the basic designs of JD WOF boats. Few changes here and there. Work has started on a new cowl. Flip'n coins to figure out which design that'll be used. Toss up is over Dumas, Caniff or custom. What ya think? Final product will be made from carbon fiber. Think'n about buy'n some of dat fancy colour'd CF off ole Fleebay. That would be neat B)
Hey Mark!

Hmmmmmmm.....Well Im a nut for the Caniff design, Or anything Todd Lamb builds (Rinker Style)

Most used for me is the 3.5 Dumas but its getting a little dated now, But I really liked working with the lexan cowl from PSRP also.

Yea CF is KEWL, Have to watch cost thou on materials,

Gener B)

Attached pic Caniff design:
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Nice pic..

These are going to help me out greatly. Courtesy of James Chambers


Yep, That one makes me tingle :lol:

Added note: Always liked Mark H's 360 II, Only if he made it a 21 size ;)

Gene B)
Personally, I don't think any racing should be limited to to one train of thought on design. No one can argue with the impact the tunnel hull had on outboard racing as soon as it was introduced in the mid sixties. Outboard racing (lifesize included) is 99% sprint course racing, and the only weapon that has been extensively refined for it is the tunnel hull. Someone will always find a way to make one turn better or handle higher straight line speeds. If you look at the rc tunnels in just the last 5 years there have been a lot of changes especiallly aero.

One thing that has always baffled me is why the boat is still designed around an upright sitting driver. Evinrude racing built a boat for Jimbo McConnell back in like 1977 where he was reclined to the point of being on his back like in an Indy car. Very sleek looking boat as I recall with a very low slippery front end. Jimbo said that the only problem with it was that after driving upright all those years being reclined like that made him feel the boat was always about to blow over! Now that tunnel hulls use safety cell cockpits it looks like they would explore this again? Some of the fastest outboard hydros in the world are designed around the driver that is face down on his stomach with just enough of a windshield to knock the wind off of his head and shoulders. So yes, I think there is more to be had out of the boats. Composites? A strong expensive boat or an inexpensive throw away that is how I see the difference there.

There have been several threads about having more engine classes. Better have plenty of money to produce motors. Don't have to be rich to come up with and build new kinds of boats.

Glad you are back on that keyboard Gene!
Thanks Mark! ;)

Yes I agree with what you said completlly,

Also it dont matter if the engine power is up, If tha hull wont handle it.

The dropped floor on the new tunnels are for the safety cell. Also to lower Driver/Safety Cell weight further down into the hull. I had a pic of Todd Lambs pointing this out.

Gener B)
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The Lynx has been a breakthrough design in 3.5 size tunnels. The most important change in my opinion is the steeper dihedral angle on the bottom. Mike Bontoft modified the rear deck on the Leecraft XT-460 to produce an even faster 7.5 stock tunnel that can keep up with the latest designs. The Top Speed tunnels have brought back low cost hulls. If someone will start mass producing engines, we will have a low cost entry into model boating again.

Lohring Miller
The Lynx has been a breakthrough design in 3.5 size tunnels. The most important change in my opinion is the steeper dihedral angle on the bottom. Mike Bontoft modified the rear deck on the Leecraft XT-460 to produce an even faster 7.5 stock tunnel that can keep up with the latest designs. The Top Speed tunnels have brought back low cost hulls. If someone will start mass producing engines, we will have a low cost entry into model boating again.

Lohring Miller
Hi Lohring, any pictures of the modified xt-460? i very like to looks of the xt-460.
Well I havent tried that one yet :D

Anything said about how it ran?

Gener B)
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Those pictures are all I found from some discussion group, will try to trace back where they came from.
Yea, Well I go along with what the guy said at the discussion group, Im all for innovation too,

Hope it worked out for him, Its a radical departure from the norm ;)

Gene B)
Hi Butchie!

Yes,Yes, Tell me more.......... :D

How many ya got anywho ?

Gener B)
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Would 4 be good ??? I am about to order 2 more and my Shaman I ordered a year ago...

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WOW! Yup dats good!!!

Carl has taken it to a new level for sure ;)

Just wondering whats around the corner ? Design wise and so forth,

Here's my point..... In any sporting or hobby event, If one company comes out with a design that basically knocks everyone on ther hineys, The other companys get with there designers and engineers so forth, and come up with new production models, Its good for the sport, the racers, and companys involved.

Gener B)
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IMHO i think hydrodynamically there is nothing much that can be done that has not already been done

to tunnels

I believe aerodynamically is where the innovation can occur
The outboard "rigger" in the pics would not be legal in IMPBA or NAMBA simply because it has no tunnel. It would have to be decked over to form a tunnel and then well, out goes the reason it was designed in the first place. Might make a cool OB hydro. Don't forget also that one of the ways a tunnel gets its "design parameter" speed is by trapping air.