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Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2003
just a short note that anyone who is waiting for a reply, invoice, goods or details for Vintage tin Austraila and Salisbury pipes

Due to a house fire in the early hours this morning i need to get things sorted there before finishng work stuff.

Luckily my 16 yo is sensitive to smoke and he woke before the fire alarm went off.

A wheat bag used for heat was in the microwave several hours before and was left there and self combusted.

Luckily the damage is restricted to the now black microwave and cupboards around it, the boys have been sent to grandmas while tracey and I clean up today.

be back in a couple of days

special thanks to the emergency services that were there at 3:00 AM this morning

Thanks to all for their patience


Good to hear Dave that a serious fatal accident didn't occur. A family friend had the same occur when they were heating these heat packs.

Take care

Good to hear Dave that a serious fatal accident didn't occur. A family friend had the same occur when they were heating these heat packs.

Take care


We were told that because it was still in the microwave this caused it to catch on fire some 4 hours later!

Aparently they should always be heated with a glass of water in the microwave at the same time so they do not dry out!

the boys are prety shook up, we could not see anything in the house, luckily the boys were sensible and they all came to the bedroom and we got out the window.

we had no idea where the fire was the smoke was too thick.

anyone want to but a cheap microwave!!!

Sorry to hear about the fire Dave.

Relieved to hear everyone is OK and that the damage is minimal.


Dave THE most important thing is everyone is ok. Appliances, cabinetry & such can always be replaced. ;)
Im amazed at the insurance company! They were there at 8:30 am and the builders are there now at 10:30am to clean the walls and take out the kitchen cupboard. the drycleaners are due this afternoon to clean all the furniture and curtains. painter booked for thursday!!!!

thanks to everyone for the kind words, hopefully only a few days of disruptions and it will all be back to normal.


sorry to hear Dave...

good to hear everyone is safe..

all the best!!!!

catch up with you soon.

regards Aaron