Radios for rc boats


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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2008
I'm very new to rc boats and need a radio system for a couple of boats I'm working on. I have been using a JR 9303 with a 2.4GHz modual for my airplanes and love it. Futaba has the F.A.S.T. system and JR has the Spektrum system. I here of a few guys using the Futaba for boating and it works pretty good. If you call and try to talk with someone at Horizon Hobby's about a spectrum system they don't recomend it for boats and don't like to talk about it much.

Does anyone have the answers to my question? Why not 2.4 GHz for rc boats? Why would you want to deal with channel pins at a race if you don't have to?

My 9303 Jr radio has been working great in my 7.5 tunnel in my local lakes. Not a glitch.

Someone give me the scoop please.


Rocky w.
Do some searches in the boat forums and the answer about JR's 2.4 and boats will become obvious. I've seen countless reports from people who used it successfully for a while and then suddenly control was gone. Meanwhile, Futaba's 2.4 implementation has been working flawlessly.

At our district race this year, a big group of people showed up who all had the JR 2.4 systems. After two of their boats went into the shore during open water, they took a road trip to the nearest hobby shop to get Futabas.
i ran the 2.4G Fasst futaba system this last racing season with no problems. what i understand is that the eariler version of the spectrum system had a tendency to loose signal. i can tell you that the latest futaba systems works great. that my 2cents
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like piper said,,,, there were serveral posts about this topic..... but sometimes the search doesnt work.... give it a try,..... i have a futaba 2.4 fasst and i have to say i will never go anywhere else these radios are awsome.... im used to using old school am stuff... geez never thought it could be so different,,,till i tried one that is..... i heard several guys talking bad things about the jr spectrum system....

I have a new fasst futaba pistol, you have to energize the fail safe each time you use it, and when the fail safe is on it shuts the boat off every now and then when you make the change of going away from you to comming tward you. ??? sucks, with out the fail safe turned on it seems ok. my spectrum was always short on range but worked ok as long as I didn't go real wide, but after a year it even lost more range so had to junk it. ground 2.4 radios suck. good luck.
Me.. I would rather loose a boat to the rocks then EVER go back to 75 or 27 mhz..

Futabas system works VERY well on the water and as it goes i do not use a fail safe in my boats..

Our new Tactic 2.4 system also works very well (ROCK SOLID) on water.

But.. the bottom line is use what you like.. I just happen to like the convince and security Futaba and Tactic systems provide.

I have a new fasst futaba pistol, you have to energize the fail safe each time you use it, and when the fail safe is on it shuts the boat off every now and then when you make the change of going away from you to comming tward you. ??? sucks, with out the fail safe turned on it seems ok. my spectrum was always short on range but worked ok as long as I didn't go real wide, but after a year it even lost more range so had to junk it. ground 2.4 radios suck. good luck.
For openers which FASST receiver were you using, was it the single antenna 603FF?? There is a known water reflectivity issue with 2.4 and Futaba released the 603FS FASST receiver that features dual antennas (one internal & one external) that greatly improved reception in the boats. Second, did you have at least the last inch of the antenna lead (which is the actual antenna) vertical, out of the boat and above things like tuned pipes? Makes a BIG difference. I run the FASST system in my 3PK-S using only the 603FS receivers and get as much of the antenna lead vertical & out of the boat as possible and they work great including the twins using dual receivers. Also 6 volt battery packs with high mah (at least 1200) are a must. Trying to use the 2.4 on 4.8 can result in repeated failsafe activation and is not recommended. I also do not use the factory failsafe but rather the Venom ones that go in-line to each servo and are easily adjusted individually to where you want the failsafe position to go to not having to mess with setting it each time & they work extremely well-

I personally think when applied correctly & used right the Futaba FASST system works great. B)
Me.. I would rather loose a boat to the rocks then EVER go back to 75 or 27 mhz..
Futabas system works VERY well on the water and as it goes i do not use a fail safe in my boats..

Our new Tactic 2.4 system also works very well (ROCK SOLID) on water.

But.. the bottom line is use what you like.. I just happen to like the convince and security Futaba and Tactic systems provide.

Ain't it great to have un biassed remarks :D Grim is right though, Futaba's radios have nearly 3 times the transmission power as the spectrum. Spectrum is supposed to come out with a newer model that matches the futaba fast system.

Do you have the report info on that wave reflection issue with the 603FF?.. If you do can I have a copy. Sounds silly I know but I have not seen that report..

Thanks dude

Do you have the report info on that wave reflection issue with the 603FF?.. If you do can I have a copy. Sounds silly I know but I have not seen that report..

Thanks dude

That was something the techs told me during one of my phone calls when I was first researching the 2.4 & trying to decide if I was going to switch. Remember, I was a little more hardcore about the "leap of faith" you spoke of a while back. :p
I think the "proof is in the pudding" as that old saying goes since the dual antenna FASST RX's work so well. If I recall didn't someone post on here about having that printed data about 2.4 reflectivity and water? I can't remember who it was.......
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3PK, Futaba FASST with the R603FS receiver is the way to go.

I don't use the fail safe feature either, don't feel it is necessary with the FASST system.

My 2 cents.
I love that everyone is going to the 2.4 system. That way they will stay off my channel. I got to much invested in 3PJS's and PCM receivers to switch. I have no reason to anyway. All the people in our district do not run 74. Keep selling them. I just love the 3PJS so much I have 6 with a couple of junk ones for parts. I have a lifetime supply.

I love that everyone is going to the 2.4 system. That way they will stay off my channel. I got to much invested in 3PJS's and PCM receivers to switch. I have no reason to anyway. All the people in our district do not run 74. Keep selling them. I just love the 3PJS so much I have 6 with a couple of junk ones for parts. I have a lifetime supply.Mike

I ran the 3PJS with spektrum module and receivers. never an issue in cars, heli etc. I use teh JR R1 now, have 3 converted to spektrum but also have the FM parts but have not had an issue to date. I think the key is to mount the receiver high and extend the antenna out of the hull. Im building one now and the radio box will be attached to the underside of the deck away from everything
Ive only used the R603FF recievers, leaving the antenna INSIDE the radio box...and ive been to every corner of the AMB pond you can with 100% control (way out passed the first offshore bouy is a good distance). 100% control in my 60+mph cat, 100% control in my 70+mph rigger. More and more guys in my club have switched to it as well, and have yet to have any issues... and we all leave the antenna inside the box.

Got a link to this info about water reflectivity Don? As far as i knew, the only 2.4 systems that had trouble with this was the Spektrum systems, not FASST.
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I love that everyone is going to the 2.4 system. That way they will stay off my channel. I got to much invested in 3PJS's and PCM receivers to switch. I have no reason to anyway. All the people in our district do not run 74. Keep selling them. I just love the 3PJS so much I have 6 with a couple of junk ones for parts. I have a lifetime supply.Mike
Isn't the Futaba system supposed to have issues with heat. Like if you leave the boat, plane, car in direct sun light that the receiver can totally loose the "link" to the transmitter? I have heard this and see towels on top of boats and planes all the time.

I think it may be true as I saw a JR add where they put their receiver in an oven and it kept working to over 300 degrees F. Melted it, but kept working.
I love that everyone is going to the 2.4 system. That way they will stay off my channel. I got to much invested in 3PJS's and PCM receivers to switch. I have no reason to anyway. All the people in our district do not run 74. Keep selling them. I just love the 3PJS so much I have 6 with a couple of junk ones for parts. I have a lifetime supply.Mike
YUP YUP YUP last few races ive had my own channel. Make the Switch stay off 27 mhz and we both will be happy. Ive seen problems with everyones radio taking to the woods. Bottom line WATER TIGHT and the most expensive switch you can find. A 2.4 will reset if you use a iffy switch been there done that no hair to prove it..