Officially a grandfather


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Ron Olson

Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2001
As of 10:15 PM Monday night I joined the group of other grandfathers in here. Anyone who knows me personally knows my son Eric. He and his wife Whitney had a 6# 9 oz. boy, 20" long. It's been a rough night as a lot of things happened so an emergency C-section had to be done, it was very scary at times but mother and baby are now doing fine.

You know that Grandpa is going to spoil this kid rotten!

Eric Lee Olson Junior is his name. I've got to downsize the pix to post them here.
congrats, ron!!! enjoy making him rotten for mom & dad
. jr. hasn't "blessed" me yet, maybe one day.
It's amazing watching newborns. We were up at the hospital last night and the little guy was pulling out his pacifier and putting it back in his mouth by himself!
Ron, welcome to what maybe the best years of your life.....i missed lottsa model boat races for my lil grand regrets....i would gladly do it all over again!!!