ML Boatworks GP and SX Sport Hydro series retirement and GSXv2 series release info


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Mike Luszcz

Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2008
Just wanted to give a big thanks to all those that run, or have run the GP sport hydro series hulls over the years, making it a very popular, and successful hull. As of this week, I will begin the phase out of that product lineup. The first sizes to be retired, are the GP310, and GP400 sizes. The SX400 will also be retired. While it is very fast, it has never been a big seller, and with no build info for my customers, I am just gonna let that one die off as well. It was never that popular anyways. All GP / SX series cowlings will continue to be offered for 2018, after that, depending on requests, the molds are being put up for good.

The GP265 and GP335 will remain for now, but I am actively working on a GSX-338v2 and a GSX-265v2 to replace those. (Skipping directly to the soon to be released v2 versions described below)

I am also in development of a GSX310v2 and a GSX380v2 as well. I would also like to revisit the GSX480 in the next few months as well, and maybe do an FE version of that hull.

The v2 of the GSX lineup information....

The GSX has been very successful thus far, and the holiday sale proved it was time for the GP series to be retired, but over the holidays, I took some feedback I have received on the GSX series, and began making some sponson updates to improve the hull. I have been told with large mah capacities(10000mah or more) in the GSX310, and GSX380 that dead stop take offs will try and stuff the sponson due to the extra weight. To counter this, I am increasing the main ride pad width by a full 3/8" on the GSX 380, and by 1/4" on the GSX310...This will make the sponson wider, more buoyant, and help hold the hull up with these extreme conditions of oversized mah setups. Because more ride pad surface could hinder the top speeds seen by these hulls..I am finally giving in...and doing a full shingled sponson setup on both sizes...and the upcoming 265 and 338 sizes. The shingled sponsons should help free the hull up above and beyond even the original design...making for a faster platform, with more buoyancy. Be on the lookout for the GSX380v2 and GSX310v2 hulls in the coming weeks.

I am excited to be putting together one final design change to the GSX series....It is quickly becoming my most popular lineup, and after this, I don't see much more room for change...other than a fiberglass lineup which is long overdue.

Thanks again, and Happy New Year!

Mike, ML Boatworks
What was the model number of the sport 20 hydro kit that could be built for nitro or fe? I can no longer find it on the site.
The new GSX380 Version 2, available in 3 different cowling/ power plant versions is now loaded on the website. Just finished up the design. The Version 2 has wider overall sponsons and ride pads to increase rough water turning stability. This also increases front end buoyancy when the hull is sitting dead in the water. FE guys were having trouble with submarining when they tossed in 8s lipo setups. Too much forward weight (from standstill, not while the boat was moving). While the hull is based around 6s, I figured creating some help for the 8s guys would be a good thing. With a wider pad, comes more drag, so to help reliquish that, the sponsons have now been shingled on the main ride surface! I have been asked for years to do shingled sponsons on my GP lineup and GSX lineup..Well, that is now happening! The GSX310v2 is coming soon...hang tight!
The shingles will do nothing but help. I have several guys that ran the now discontinued SX400 hull, and they swore up and down the SX was faster than the GP400..and the only difference in those two kits, other than some of the looks, was the shingled sponsons. Honestly, the more I think about it, the shingled sponsons should help the nitro guys in the turns, it will help keep the sponson on top of the water, and keep the engine on pipe. It will not hurt anything, I do feel that much is certain!
So, the GSX380v2 is done (nitro and FE), and on the website as noted earlier. I just finished the GSX315v2 nitro and FE is now done too, and I will add it to the website monday. AND, the GSX338v2, FE only is done too! I will add it to the website monday as well! A GSX265v2 (nitro and FE) is coming soon too, and an all new GSX480v2, FE and GAS is going to be in the works soon too. I will have to do all new cowlings for the 265 and 480 models tho, so it will not be as quick of a turn around. Mike
Hey Paul, Yes, the GSX315v2 replaces the GSX310. The 380v2 replaces the 380, and the 338v2 is all new. I am just calling it a v2 as it has the new sponson design.
The website is now updated with the 315v2 and 338v2. No prices were changed from the V1 design! Mike

Would you suggest the 265 or the 315 for P Limited.... (your web site says the 315 is for P)

Now that I'm running a full P tunnel I can see the difference in performance, but don't know if that matters on a hydro
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The GSX338 for full P. I need to update the 315 and suggest P-Limited for it since the bigger hull is going to be a better choice.
The GSX265v2 nitro and FE designs are now done, and on cut sheets, but I am going to have to make a plug, and mold for a cowling. It will be a sized down version of the GSX315, 338 and 380 (short cowl version) with the turbine intake on top. So the whole lineup will have the same cowlings throughout. Should be pretty cool! Next all new 480 gas sport!

GP310V2 I would say this has to be one of the last ones ordered, cant wait to get it wet.