Looking for new paint scheme, need ideas


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Jan 29, 2003
Heres what I have now, but I want something that will stand out, any opinions would be helpful, Jeff

Also, is there any way to attach more than one pic to a message?

keep it simple!! my first boat i tried to do a really fancy scheme with blue and gold flames, and it turned out looking like the wrapper of a Hungry Man's Dinner that was left in the microwave untill it blew up....just go with a simple one or two-color scheme, then go crazy with decals.

there's my 2 cents, hope it helps.

You would be surprised what decals and pinstripes can do. Go to your local automotive supply store... they will usually also have fancy graphics and stuff also...and it's all really cheap.

If you did want to repaint it. Since you are running gas, you can use any old rust (varsol) paint. Once dry, even these paints can be polished up to one great finish. (not too chemical proof)

With some masking tape, a couple of colours of spray paint, and some pinstripe....(and your imagination)..the sky is the limit.
You might want to try some bright colours... even some white...

two things to consider when painting your boat:

1/ how well can you determine its attitude / direction from a distance

2/ how well can you see it if it stops (so other drivers can avoid it)

I have had a few boats that were impossible to see when they stopped making them hard to avoid during races. Most bright colours will stand out against the water...

EMS Racing

Thanks for reminding me about seeing Blue dead boats!!

Scarab, Those are some good tips EMS gave you - could save you and other boaters a lot of heartache.

Bright colours are good!

Haha, you are famous for your unpainted wooden boats that are impossible to see when they stop! :p I even heard rumours about a rule change to force you to paint your boats.. :p

Nitrocrazed racing: If I paint it the same colour as a turn bouy maybe people wont hit my boat....
Pick two easy to see colors. Put down your base coat. Drape some lace over the boat sparay your second coat and you'll get a wild pattern when you lift up the lace,

Why do you think I paint my boats now....

both the reasons above....

I couldnt tell in the back straight where the boat was headed till it passed buoy 4

EMS Racing

Those Seaducers are unpainted.... :p

I dont know why more of those metal flake boats have not come here, they look really good! I had a red metal flake Seaducer in my shed for a while, looked heaps better than most of the other boats here!


Well I saw my original 90 boat over in Colorado. Jerry had it there and I saw it and had to have it!!! Then I had to have the 21... and sheesh now the 45 is out!! LOL

how the hell did I get hooked on Monos????

and all my recent riggers are painted now!!! the 67 is still my old boat from years ago.... so it has an excuse... but it has a nice green cover!!! LOL

EMS Racing