Klaus 'The Louse' Schwab


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Timbo Whalen

Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Oct 25, 2015
Well, well, well....will you just look at all the creeps in your govt. who are headed off to the annual conference of Davos, home court for the WEF (World Economic Forum, for the uninitiated).

All US Congress members and heads of Intel agencies- ie- Christopher Wray and Avril Haines.
Looks like when Schwab said he had heads of state of top nations in his pocket he wasn't bullshittin', huh.

Yep, the train keeps rollin' for the good ol' US, and it's headed right over the edge of the cliff of no return.

But wait!...there's more!...wasn't it Klaus who also said 'you'll own nothing, you'll have nothing and you'll like it'. Yep, the US and the Constitution have been the only things, thus far, standing in the way of a NWO where one global govt, comprised of the elite, run the whole show.

Welcome to the tyrannical new PRISON PLANET!...you really think you'll have rc boats, or any other form of recreational hobby???....we'll, if you do, obviously you're delusional.

The US is in a very fragile state at present. Our adversaries are marching in lockstep with Klaus the Louse to stretch the US thin economically and militarily. Russia/Ukraine, China/Taiwan, Europe/NATO. Toooo obvious!



I'm not really a proponent of our government ignoring what is going on in Davos. Don't think for a second the gazelle ignores the lion. While I'm very sure many in our government are whole hog all-in on what the Louse is selling. But there are also many who aren't, and I think THEY need to be there, too, just to keep our ears on the ground.

Thanks. Brad.
Titan Racing Components
BlackJack Hydros
Model Machine and Precision LLC

I'm not really a proponent of our government ignoring what is going on in Davos. Don't think for a second the gazelle ignores the lion. While I'm very sure many in our government are whole hog all-in on what the Louse is selling. But there are also many who aren't, and I think THEY need to be there, too, just to keep our ears on the ground.

Thanks. Brad.
Titan Racing Components
BlackJack Hydros
Model Machine and Precision LLC
I understand what you're saying, but unfortunately it isn't working that way.

The 'one bad apple ruins the bushel' analogy is in effect, perhaps to an even greater degree. We're not suggesting they're all like that, but clearly the majority are. It's called cause and effect.

Soros and Schwab both, among a few others, need to be on the same jet that inexplicably lands, vertically, in the Pacific. The whole world would be better off.

Thanks. Brad.
Titan Racing Components
BlackJack Hydros
Model Machine and Precision LLC