It's begun, the House of Representative's January 6th Fiasco has started


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Hydro Junkie

Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2006
As we all know, every member of the January 6th committee is either a democrat or RINO and all of the members voted to impeach Donald Trump, not once but twice. The attached videos will kind of spell out what has, has not or actually has been barred from being done to investigate the events leading up to the Capitol building being over run. The committee has an agenda, that being to protect the "swamp" and push the blame at Donald Trump. As far as I'm concerned, four people are guilty of dereliction of duty, starting with Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi

What I see that is even worse is that Pelosi left a bill on the desk, when dismissing the House for the summer break, that would have required the protection of the Supreme Court Justices. This is a bill that was almost unanimously approved in the Senate. On top of that, Chuck Schumer actually threatened the Justices while standing on the steps to the Supreme Court. How were these acts not worse than President Trump telling the people that attended his rally on January 6th to proceed peacefully and patriotically to the Capitol and let their voices be heard? That is the very narrative that the very partisan January 6th Committee is trying to get us to believe
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Without a bunch of doubletalk and inane comparisons just stand up and put your name on your approval of the Jan 6th Capital events. Did you cheer on Jan 6th watching the live news coverage or shocked at our Capital being desecrated? Thats a simple yes or no answer did you approve or disapprove? No justifications just sign your name.
Mic Halbrehder - DISAPPROVE
Thats not what they are after here Mic and you know that.

I saw ZERO reason to storm the capital. Breaching the building was just not a good move in my mind. (Disapprove)

Then what the I would have said.. is

YOU HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO PROTEST.. (hum.. thinking.. seems to me somebody else said that too.................) APPROVE!

Then.. to those lets go with Mics mindset.

Insurrection YES or NO

Don't know if I would actually call what happened an "insurrection", more like a mob looking for its 15 minutes of fame. That said, would I have approved of a peaceful protest, without a problem. The First Amendment gives us that right. As far as approving those that were there on going into the capitol building, some basically as an unruly mob, HELL NO!!! I spent 6.5 years defending this country and, unlike some, I still take the oath I swore to uphold and defend the Constitution and country very seriously. The guy with the horned hat probably wouldn't have made it out of the building if I had been there and seen him with government property in his hands
I love it, here's someone that's calling this TV show what it really is:

And now we have someone else that is letting everyone know what he's found out, on his own, as a member of Congress:
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Mark, I served for 22 years and was always of the mindset to respect the office/president of the United States and always did.
BUT I just can't take, justify in my mind any way to respect this administration.
Insurrection NO
Peaceful protest YES
Angry protest, It sure was.
But i think MOST of the ANGRY MOD were NOT supporters of Donald Trump.
Storming the Capital NO
Is Trump to blame, I feel NOT
Rick, we may not agree on many subjects, but I am in 100% agreement with you on this one.
I do and always will respect the office of President due to what that office means to the country and, indirectly, the planet as a whole. With that said, THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL I CAN RESPECT THE SENILE IDIOT THAT HOLDS THE TITLE!!!!!
As far as I'm concerned:
  • Donald Trump did what he was required to do, it was the people in charge of security that didn't
  • the administration as a whole should be impeached and tried for dereliction of duty and TREASON.
  • Nancy Pelosi should be impeached and tried for dereliction of duty and insider trading
  • Adam Schiff should be impeached and tried for lying to Congress and obstruction of justice
  • most, if not all, of the previous and still serving upper echelons of the FBI should be fired, stripped of their security clearances and tried for lying to Congress and obstruction of justice
  • give me some time and I'm sure I could come up with more legitimate charges on many more criminals that are trying to destroy the country that we spent years protecting
  • the judge that presided over the Sussman trial should be disbarred and prosecuted for Juror Misconduct
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Mark, I served for 22 years and was always of the mindset to respect the office/president of the United States and always did.
BUT I just can't take, justify in my mind any way to respect this administration.
Insurrection NO
Peaceful protest YES
Angry protest, It sure was.
But i think MOST of the ANGRY MOD were NOT supporters of Donald Trump.
Storming the Capital NO
Is Trump to blame, I feel NOT
Funny how they are leaving out how the initial "breech" occured while Trump was still speaking and after the Capitol Police had tossed flash/bang grenades into back end of the crowd further compressing them in towards the Capitol building. And all of the "mob" who were found to be left wing plants were conveniently "released"........
I did not say anything about an insurrection, nor did I assign blame to any group. I asked If storming the Capital. over running the police and damaging our citadel of democracy is right or wrong in your mind.
Most missed the problem with the "Theatre" I saw yesterday. It is for one reason only. How many GOP people are on the committee? They are Democrats and how many are GOP? It is all a show to discredit Trump.
Until the same level of scrutiny is applied to what happened in Portland and dozens of other US cities while mayors and progressive DA's stood by and did nothing beyond shackle police - Jan 6th is just another politically weaponized schitt show.
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Most missed the problem with the "Theatre" I saw yesterday. It is for one reason only. How many GOP people are on the committee? They are Democrats and how many are GOP? It is all a show to discredit Trump.

I have never met you, don't know what you think about boating or politics but you sir hit the nail on the head. It is just what you said....nothing more nothing less. Donald Trump said the election was rigged or stolen or whatever they want to call it and there are people that agree. Others say it was not and some agree with that also. The "show" has provided a simple, fair way to let everybody make their case. The "show" should be stopped immediately. Bill Barr with a few simple words presented us a simple solution to this whole situation. He took an oath when he talked to the committee. He swore to tell the truth. Therefore, it seems some people think he lied to congress and some don't. It is not ok to lie under oath...period. He needs to be charged with perjury and put on trial. The trial would involve whether he lied or not, nothing else. What Bill Barr said was that the "stolen election" concept had no merit or in everyday English was bullshit. If the jury finds him guilty, he lied, if innocent, then he didn't. Based on the result, the committee should be disbanded and this whole part of our history should be put in the rearview mirror!!!!
Release all the video and do a truly bipartisan investigation or shove it!!!! This is just another one sided railroaded job the democrats allowed to happen. Trump authorized national guard troops and Pelosi did not!!!! All they wanted was the footage they got. Where is the rest? We know where it is. I can’t believe after $30 million on a fake trump collusion investigation and 2 unwarranted impeachment attempts that anyone still thinks there is a ounce of credibility left in the democrat party. Amongst many many other things.
Please ignore my previous post which I'm sure you will anyway. It seems that yesterday, the District of Columbia bar association which placed Rudy G on suspension from practicing law has now moved to dis bar him unless he can prove that he did not file a frivilous lawsuit regarding fraud in the presidential election. His case was filed in a DC court and the court refused to hear the case because no evidence was presented. This would be a better path in my opinion because he will be testifying before his peers so it will be harder to accuse the "jury" of favoritism. Unlike politicians, laywers don't very often chastise their peers so it should be much more unbiased. In my opinion, the Jan 6 committee should put their inquiry on hold pending the outcome of the DC bar association.
Please ignore my previous post which I'm sure you will anyway. It seems that yesterday, the District of Columbia bar association which placed Rudy G on suspension from practicing law has now moved to dis bar him unless he can prove that he did not file a frivilous lawsuit regarding fraud in the presidential election. His case was filed in a DC court and the court refused to hear the case because no evidence was presented. This would be a better path in my opinion because he will be testifying before his peers so it will be harder to accuse the "jury" of favoritism. Unlike politicians, laywers don't very often chastise their peers so it should be much more unbiased. In my opinion, the Jan 6 committee should put their inquiry on hold pending the outcome of the DC bar association.
Two things sir:
1) Can you participate in the discussion without the snide quips such as: "Please ignore my previous post which I'm sure you will anyway" - they don't really add anything to whatever point it is you are attempting to make.
2) I disagree 100% with this comment: "Unlike politicians, laywers don't very often chastise their peers so it should be much more unbiased". So, it's your assertion that Hillary Clinton, garden variety lawyer turned politician would have never referred to Donald J. Trumps constituents as "Deplorables" had she not entered politics? Is there anything that woman wouldn't say to anyone that didn't share her warped views?
Two things sir:
1) Can you participate in the discussion without the snide quips such as: "Please ignore my previous post which I'm sure you will anyway" - they don't really add anything to whatever point it is you are attempting to make.
2) I disagree 100% with this comment: "Unlike politicians, laywers don't very often chastise their peers so it should be much more unbiased". So, it's your assertion that Hillary Clinton, garden variety lawyer turned politician would have never referred to Donald J. Trumps constituents as "Deplorables" had she not entered politics? Is there anything that woman wouldn't say to anyone that didn't share her warped views?

I said UNLIKE politicians. You proceeded to totally prove my point. Politician Hillary made a nasty comment about another politician and his followers.

What is it we disagree about when you prove my totally and expertly proved my point?
I am from Australia and I believe what happened on January 6 was acceptable,,People power will remain..
All countries are on the same page and following the WEF orders whether you like it or not ! It's going to get alot worse ..
The Reset is taking place ,so the more that stand against it the better even if it means bloodshed!Power of the People!
Here in Australia People Power over rules the constitution !

This Democrat v Republican business is nonsense,,,They are both as bad as one another because they are both following the orders of the World economic forum..
Your Governments are just administrators for the Evil Beast .