how can I refinish my boat?


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Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2005
Augh!!! :wacko:

Oh boy I just screwed up.....I have a newly finished Dumas HotShot .45 Tunnel.......and i "forgot" to seal up the outer hull with epoxy.....I started to spray paint the hull and I need to strip the paint off so i can do it right. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can remove the paint? I used Krylon spray outa of the can...What i want to do is get rid of the paint and epoxy seal the hull then try painting it again.....Sorry guys but Beer and RC boating dont mix too well.... :lol:
yeah i know that krylon isnt fuelproof. i have always painted using krylon then shooting PPG clear over it to fuelproof the boat......How about a solvent? is there a commercial paint stripper I can use?
Let it dry for a few days, and sand it off.
This is what I'd do as well ;) . Your Krylon shouldn't be too hard to sand. Nothing like my old Hobbypoxy epoxy paint that I sanded off of my Dumas DV20 last spring :eek: . It was like sanding granite!
I wouldnt use ANY strippers as they will cause the glue at the joints to separate. Solvents of any type will penetrate the wood and contaminate the surfaces and any new paints will not adhere properly.

I agree with the rest, sand, sand , sand....
Hey guys!!!

Thanks for the tips. the paint been sitting for about a week or so, it shouldnt be hard to sand off i quess.

**** this suks. I suppose when I'm all finished sanding the paint off the wood should be pretty smooth right?..... ;)