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Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2008
Just wanted to throw this out there. Smokey Yunick Did some testing with a Fiero. Where he supper heated the fuel air mixture with the ex. It worked real well made the fuel supper atomized. He calmed it greatly increased the power and fuel economy of the eng.

Would heating up the fuel with the ex make it atomize better on our small eng?

Just a thought.

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hi,no it is not a good idea.the cooler and denser the air and fuel is gooing into the motor,the more power the motor will make. mike.
hi,no it is not a good idea.the cooler and denser the air and fuel is gooing into the motor,the more power the motor will make. mike.
Think back to the Smokey Days WHAT always sat on the fender well A COOL CAN fuel ran thru it in coils thru a bucket of ICE.WE are talking of gasoline. Alky acts different its naturally cool no need to freeze it. The key to going fast is making the motor happy with the correct prop load and pipe setting. A near perfect glow plug will be carmel colored with a slight element pull..........
hi,no it is not a good idea.the cooler and denser the air and fuel is gooing into the motor,the more power the motor will make. mike.
Think back to the Smokey Days WHAT always sat on the fender well A COOL CAN fuel ran thru it in coils thru a bucket of ICE.WE are talking of gasoline. Alky acts different its naturally cool no need to freeze it. The key to going fast is making the motor happy with the correct prop load and pipe setting. A near perfect glow plug will be carmel colored with a slight element pull..........
you really need to keep the fuel out of the sunlight because it will cause moisture and eventually kill the fuel.ps, i also run alky in my race car and i always keep the large jugs in the trailer on keep a towel over it. mike.
That is the general train of thought cool charge more air and need more fuel= more power.

But reading what his thoughts are if you heat up the charge it burns more efficient releasing all the power in the form of pressure. Pressure is what moves the piston. Buy burning all the fuel you create more pressure. Not blowing the unburnt fuel out the pipe. When the intake charge is heated to the point gust below ignition it will light much faster and make more pressure. A lot more pressure. the speed of burn in the cyl can make a Small amount of fuel act like it is more.

He proved it with his test car. But you know how the auto industry is. It to good to be true. Also the patent right he had.

Do a google and check it out. Then again he was a head of his time and thought out side the box.

Just don't know if it will work with nito?

After heating up the air/ fuel mixture, Smokey had to use a turbocharger just to pressurize the mixture back to normal atmospheric pressure to get enough of the mixture in the cylinder because it had expanded so much from the heating. Hmmmm...........

Smokey was one of my heros.

Thinking along the same lines. The Zoom carbs atomize the fuel VERY well. Hmmmmmm.......

That is the general train of thought cool charge more air and need more fuel= more power.

But reading what his thoughts are if you heat up the charge it burns more efficient releasing all the power in the form of pressure. Pressure is what moves the piston. Buy burning all the fuel you create more pressure. Not blowing the unburnt fuel out the pipe. When the intake charge is heated to the point gust below ignition it will light much faster and make more pressure. A lot more pressure. the speed of burn in the cyl can make a Small amount of fuel act like it is mnre.

He proved it with his test car. But you know how the auto industry is. It to good to be true. Also the patent right he had.

Do a google and check it out. Then again he was a head of his time and thought out side the box.

Just don't know if it will work with nito?

Ok to think outside of the box..... But you need to keep site of it!!! :blink: :lol: :blink: he was onto the fact that the only thing smaller than the atom is vapor. the 125mpg poge carb was built on the same theory. Mikey would remember all of the 80`s fuel preheat electrical elements under the carbs on GM car-trks. Didnt work very well. The Current day injector & precision fuel management systems was the key to todays Economy & Performance.
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Just wanted to throw this out there. Smokey Yunick Did some testing with a Fiero. Where he supper heated the fuel air mixture with the ex. It worked real well made the fuel supper atomized. He calmed it greatly increased the power and fuel economy of the eng.

Would heating up the fuel with the ex make it atomize better on our small eng?

Just a thought.

I have done some fuel temp testing using SPEC C/L SPEED FUEL (10% KLOTZ SYN-10% CASTER-10% NITRO-70% METHINOL) I LOVE DA SMOKE as much as any engine NUT, BUT in light of the testing that I have done I STRONGLY BELIEVE YOU ARE BARKIN UP THE WRONG TREE!!

1 YEAR OLD (93'F)=35,000R.P.M.



This testing was done with the same KNOWN engine-prop over a 30 mimute time span! Greg L. Settle
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I was always told the the only stupid question was the one you never asked. :D

thanks for all the input.

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David, at the least, it shows that you are thinking.

Believe me, all ideas do not work, but the ones that do make it all worth while.

David, at the least, it shows that you are thinking.

Believe me, all ideas do not work, but the ones that do make it all worth while.

As in everything we do SAFETY FIRST is a MUST fumes from a jug of nitro fuel are minimal.unless your nose is in the mouth of the jug. Heating it would produce explosive fumes that could injure someone. While its good to think out of the box be safe about it........
I went to a seminar in the 80's that had all kinds of heated fuel carburator ideas. Basically you could take an enclosed metal box about the size or a shoe box, with some baffles, figure out a float system to keep about 1 inch deep of gasoline and heat the bottom with water from the engines cooling system. The size of the box and sq. in. of surface area determined how big an engine you could run. Basically you pulled air through openings in the top of the box and ran the engine on fuel vapor through a throttle body. Theory being no matter how small you atomize droplets of fuel your only burning the fuel that is vaporizing on the outer surface of the dropletts. The heated box provided pure fuel vapor (gas). Actually worked and milaege was optimized but who is crazy enough to drive around with a gallon of heated gas in a metal box under the hood. Saw films of the demonstation.

As for heating our nitro mix I am conserned more with how much you may change the viscosity with as much oil as we run and affect the needle sensitivity. I try and keep my fuel jug covered and as close to ambient temp as possible. Have filled tanks for the first heat out of a jug that sat in a cold trailer overnite (say 60 degrees) and by heat 3 in the afternoon sun sitting out the same jug is 90 degrees. The air temp in the AM needs a richer mixture and the afternoon may need to be leaner. Warmer fuel that is thinned with heat will do the oposite by flowing less in the AM when it was cool and more in the heat of the day. I generaly like to start with an empty tank and fill with fuel before the heat as a boat sitting in the sun can be much different than the one you pulled out of the trailer in the morning. If you dared a fuel bottle sitting in the pond your racing at would keep the most consistant fuel temp all day. Then consder the metal in the carb and or needle are going to bring the slow moving fuel to its temp just prior to entering the air at the end of the nozzle and throw this all out the window as overengineering a non problem.

Just wanted to throw this out there. Smokey Yunick Did some testing with a Fiero. Where he supper heated the fuel air mixture with the ex. It worked real well made the fuel supper atomized. He calmed it greatly increased the power and fuel economy of the eng.

Would heating up the fuel with the ex make it atomize better on our small eng?

Just a thought.

I can say that back in day the R/C Formula One Pylon guys kept their fuel(70% nitro and up) in coolers,and only filled the aircrafts bladder tank right before their heat race so it stayed cold for that race.
I set the .67 SAW record at the 1993 IMPBA Internats with fuel I kept on ice.

On the other hand I set the .45 SAW in 2002 with fuel I kept on the floor of the truck

with the heater blowing on it.

Maybe someone can read something into that! :)
I set the .67 SAW record at the 1993 IMPBA Internats with fuel I kept on ice.

On the other hand I set the .45 SAW in 2002 with fuel I kept on the floor of the truck

with the heater blowing on it.

Maybe someone can read something into that!

That's easy. The internats are during the blazing summer months and you needed to cool down the fuel. The 2002 SAWs were during the much cooler months and it was very cool that morning - needed to get the fuel molecules moving.
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Well this turn out to be a good topic. I was thinking of supper heating the fuel with the ex. Say 250deg.

I know I will blow my boat up! :eek: Now that we have that out of the way.

When the hot fuel is released in to the carb will it vaporize? :huh:


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