Gear drive starter


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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2002
Has anyone ever made a starter mechanism that makes contact with a gear that is either bolted to the flywheel or a flywheel with a gear machined into it. I find it a pain in the but starting 84's and bigger. Thought it would be good to have something that pushed into dowl holes so you didn't have to pull on the **** belt. As we all know it gets even harder once there's a bit of oil or fuel on it.
Do you loosen the plug to decrease the compression? That will make it easeir.
Yeh I tried that, but I find the difference is minimal and it's a pain because you have to tighten it once the engine is running and vibrating and you have to put your cowl on as well and all along that Mac is idling at a million rpm. If you get my drift, it's just another thing to do to get the boat on the water.
Mark are you using a starter handle? (like speedmasters)

They make a big differance.

OK, the dumb and obvious question. Are you using a good 24 volt starter?

The old-time boaters did have some gear drives on theirs but it would have to be held in place otherwise a starter kicking out of your hands could quickly do some serious damage.
I use to gel cells and a 24 volt starter to start my 84's and 90's w/no problem. I have another monster starter my friend made me from a car starter, he put a handle on it and it requires a car abttery. It could start a tractor! :lol:
Is anyone using the starters that are geared down with a gear head built into them?
J Solinger said:
Is anyone using the starters that are geared down with a gear head built into them?

Solinger. Yes I did.. and i still have a new one in the box never used. The problem that I found was that the flywheel is not made for a belt drive.It has the groove for a belt, but is very wide.It is good for a outboard or a plane with the is made by Cermark. It has a Planetary gear 5:1ratio @12v has 166lft ft of torque at 2800 rpm. It is very small and it jumps out of your hand. If anyone is interested in trying one, mine is for sale. I can post a picture if you guys want to see it. 50 dollars shipped anywhere in the us or Canada.


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Don Templeton said:
You're not using the older black hard rubber belts are you?


No :p Don I use the new golden brown belts. The ones that they look like MCDonalds French fries :lol: :lol: :lol:
Sorry Nigtmare,

That was ment for Mark because he talked about the belt slipping because of oil on it.

Don ;)

No I'm using the normal brown coloured ones. I got my Eagletree Telemetry system 2 days ago and man it is cool. I'm still setting it up, I had a minor problem because of the Windows version I'm running but can't wait to get it to the pond. That's still a while away because I'm building a longer tub for the Hummer. Can't decide whether to Vac bag it or to use a female and male compression mold. The compression mold is supposed to be lighter.