Gas Scale Build


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I posted details on the current version of my gas scale hydro, the $ Bill on I hope this will help anyone who is interested in gas scale. A special thanks goes to Brian Buaas, not only for engines, props, and setup, but also for losing a cat fight a few years ago at the NAMBA Nationals that supplied some slightly used Seducer hardware.

Lohring Miller

I entered two scale versions of the $ Bill, a 1/8 scale electric and the gas boat, in the Nationals yesterday. Brian agreed to drive and promised that more structural testing won't be needed on the gas boat.

I made the turn fin. It's the third one after my thunderboat fin and a new 3/16 fin bent. It's 1/4 thick and needed a new bracket with equal strength. These boats can really load everything.

Lohring Miller
When I bring it out, Dale keeps running over the buoys with the boat. I did plan to run it at the club this weekend, but I had an emergency I felt I had to deal with. I'm upset I wasn't at the District 8 race.

Lohring Miller
Ya I mist the race my self .But trying to get my Backlash dialed in.Brian seams to be the only one not hitting bouys .lol