frozen engine


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Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2005
I lost control of my rigger and ran into the enbankment, suffered some damage broke the motor mounts got upset and forgot to flush out the motor. I check on the motor tonite and the engine is frozen. Does anyone have any tricks as to free up this engine?
If the engine had a sudden stop (hitting the bank or sucking in water), it might have an internal failure keeping it from turning over. But either way, you are going to have to take it appart to see what is going on inside it...

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my guess would be that the crank bearings are siezed,,,, pull it down and replace them if they are.... dont try to save the bearings by cleaning them and oiling them,,,, it will only aggrivate you that much more when you run it and one comes apart,,, then you'll need a p/s set along with the bearings... :(

ive seen guys poor kerosene in the engine to free up the bearings.... then after run oil,,, and they freed up.....

although i dont recommend that...

Unless you are in a hurry, first thing I would do is pour a quart or 2 of Automatic Transmission Fluid into a clean coffee can or equivalent and drop in in there for a week or 2. Then disassemble it and see what you have.
there was a guy on here a while back said to use green anti freeze in a crock pot. supposed to clean up everything in 8 hours
the antifreeze trick absolutely works! not a cure all, but will clean better than almost anything else, & will unstick most. i use it a lot, just for cleaning. another good way to unstick a fuel fouled motor is HOPPE'S NO. 9 NITRO SOLVENT. for cleaniong guns, have freed quite a few carbs & pistons with it. just use a GLASS container, it can eat solder joints in cans (made to remove lead fouling), & will attack most plastics. works quick, about an hour is as long as its taken me to free something up.
Well it was saltwater. I took apart the engine as far as I could,I can't remove the piston and sleeve with out turning over the engine. I guess I will have to look for a crock pot.
How long has it been sitting? If salt water got inside, it is probably toast. Motors run in salt water need to be flushed immediately after running.
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Heat the motor with a small torch, then turn the motor over, piston should come lose fairly easy.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Cat Pee will shine up a Penny. Give it a try!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Well the antifreeze and crock pot worked, the engine is free now I just have to strip it down and inspect everyting and replace what ever needs it.. Thanks for everyones help.