for some reason, the gun shops were really busy this weekend


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You'll like your Ruger, Jim (-; I got one in .270 last year for Christmas, man what a sweet shooter!!
I had also when in Michigan a 270 and a 410 loved the 410 all you need as a shot gun, then this year for Christmas treated my self to a 380 Tarius revolver
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Revolvers vent some gas at the barrel/cylinder gap and auto loaders use some gas to cycle the action. The .41 mag shoots very confortable in a revolver but will pound you real good in a T-C single shot.

Find yourself some .44 SPCL rounds. Use them for recreational/target shooting, as they are much easier on the shoulder and cheaper. Save the "bear loads" for when it counts. A friend of mine has a Henry GoldenBoy in .44MAG. At 75 yds or less, we haven't seen a difference at the target.

Thanks. Brad.

Titan Racing Components

BlackJack Hydros

Model Machine And Precision LLC

Also, I read a couple days ago that our Dictator-In-Chief is meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch today to "discuss options" on gun control. Translation: They are making preparations for yet another executive order (abuse of power) in the scary-stupid Left Wing's never-ending pursuit to abolish our 2nd Amendment.

To make it worse, Clinton recently expressed an interest in re-writing the 1st amendment in such a way as to prevent the --"terrorist group commonly known as the NRA"-- from being able to lobby their considerable muscle against their assault on the 2nd amendment. These moron's lack of respect for the Constitution is mind-boggling. The Bill of Rights seems to be "in their way".

Any time this sort of political chess match is laid out, the stockpiling begins.

Thanks. Brad.

Titan Racing Components

BlackJack Hydros

Model Machine And Precision LLC
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Jim, based on the presser prez Obama had today you better start hoarding ammo the executive order is coming down that we are gonna be restricted to only buying small amounts of any type of ammo in a given time period. Similar to what Walmart does now with .22 ammo now...1 box per customer per day. One other thing you should get is a vacuum food sealer....seal packs of ammo will make it easy to store and travel when the SHTF.

I really didn't mean to take this in a political direction, I was just stating what's going on. You pointed out an observation, and from your wording, I assumed you hadn't heard about the impending executive order or hadn't put the pieces together.

The fact of the matter is that it is ALL political. Nobody with any brains at all actually thinks these laws are going to stop any kind of gun related violence. We all know it's the people that commit these acts, not the hardware. This is just one more cog in a grand design machine to force us towards the liberals socialist intentions for us all. Eliminate our means of defending the Constitution as it was intended, and it can be re-written as desired.

You can be "all-in" for spreading the wealth and socialized healthcare all you want, but this is something all together different. We're talking about taking "Of the people, by the people, for the people" completely out of the Constitution, and those of us who get it don't like it.

This will end up being a war before it's over with if the current trend continues. A REAL war. Not protests with signs and fists in the air, but black smoke rising and blood in the dirt. If they actually think people are going to just hand over their guns like they did in the EU and Australia, they're nuts. These are not my personal feelings, I just know who we're dealing with. I don't think I'm ready to take up arms, personally, but there are a couple million who are for sure. I have to wonder who would actually defend disarming the American people if it came to blows. The Military? Don't think so. Most of them are part of the "couple million" who would revolt against such and incursion.

Thanks. Brad.

Titan Racing Components

BlackJack Hydros

Model Machine And Precision LLC
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