Ebay & paypal Spoofers


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Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2003
Just in case some aren`t aware. I have been getting bombarded the last week or so with these. They are getting really creative and have all the Logo`s, they almost had me fooled.
I agree with Jerry. I get them all the time. Every time I forward them to eBay, they respond telling me that eBay does not ask to verify informati0on this way and that they are scam e-mails. <_<
I got one that was sooooo well done, the links at the bottom (Home, About Us, Contact Us etc.) actually hyperlinked to the real PayPal site.
I got one that was sooooo well done, the links at the bottom (Home, About Us, Contact Us etc.) actually hyperlinked to the real PayPal site.
Yea, they put in so much effort to ripping people off. Think how productive they could be doing good.
I got one from earthlink.com yesterday... man i had to take a coupple looks at it too make sure it was a scam :(
Cy, since you are on Earthlink, turn on Spam blocker.. It gets all the crap.. I'm using it and very happy...

First thing to look at is the URL. The spoofers URL will not start out "https" the "s" tells you it's a secure URL. While some of these spoofs that I've seen are rather convincing in appearance, I've have yet to see one with a secure URL. B)
yeah only problem is one of the listservers i am in gets blocked by spamblocker, and since i don't use any of earthlinks software it gets to be a pain going onto webmail all the time.. if i leave setings at medium most of the junk gets blocked, and i still get my lists
https (s) will not garauntee it is genuine

ps.... just trying to stay ahead of gene!