Chris Breen's new Llumar up and running video!


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Mike Luszcz

Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2008
After the bad wreck in Washington State that involved the proud New Zealand visitors (Merv, Chris, and others I do not know off hand) and Bob Bracket (if I remember right), Chris's original Llumar was totally destroyed in the trailer, and everyone elses hull was bruised. A few of us got together, and did what we could to get Chris back into the game, and he finally got his build complete. Here are some pics of the old destroyed hull, and his new boat, and a video of the 2nd run! Glad to see he is back up and running! Enjoy, Mike



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Mike, you may not want to call them Australians, they take offense to that. They are proud New Zealanders!
Hahaha yeah those bloody kiwis always marrying our sheep!

Just kidding!

Nice boat! Shame to see what happened to the first boat.
Hi Mike,

I don't think Chris is on IW but I know he is very grateful for the kit gift from ML to get him back on the water. His grin is so big after the first run you couldn't wipe it of his face. Us Kiwi are very grateful for all those that rallied around us after the accident and offered us boats and gear to use to keep us running for the rest of the trip.

Thanks to Bob our driver that saved our lives with his quick reactions and skill and his wife Paula that made our stay at their place a time to remember.

A big thanks again to everyone for all your support from all us Kiwi's.

Just for those who did not know, there were five of us Kiwis that went to race in the States with our 1/8th scale hydroplanes and to watch the big H1 boats races. We were in the process of been transported between venues and had our boats in an U-haul trailer when we were tailed ended in the middle of the night by a car doing about 100mph and catapulted us of the freeway smashing the trailer and spewing some of our boats and gear for a good half mile up the road. The damaged car carried on and was later found abandoned. Don't know if the police ever found the person that hit us.

You can see some photos on my facebook
My thanks also for the great hospitality shown to the five of us both before and after the crash. Also for the other competitors putting up with our slightly different race rules. As you would have worked out we didn't have too much practice on the park & starts. But we were getting better at it by the last race. Thankfully we had no bingles on the water.
Yes many thanks to all that rallied around and helped get us back on the water while we were there. The hospitality shown to all of us was fantastic.

Looking forward to the next trip over
