Choosing a paint pattern...


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Active Member
Jun 22, 2004
I'm still trying to settle on a paint pattern for my tunnel. I'm thinking of doing a sunburst a la the Japanese flag... but not exactly that - no glowing orb in the middle - just the rays.




Something like that. I'd use a protractor and masking tape to determine where to lay the lines. I want to start with the point of the bow (center) and radiate out from there. I was thinking either red or blue... not sure which would be best. Possibly bordered with black trim tape. I was only planning on doing the hull, not the cowl. That I may do one ray down the top middle and down the sides... not sure how to keep that looking straight...

On the sides of the cowl I want to do my decals, numbers and the like.

Any thoughts on this paint job?
Yeah, I was drawing it on a piece of paper to see how your scheme would look. I think it would work pretty good. What makes for a succesful paint scheme is the supporting audience....ala the cowling. Take out paper and crayons, draw a tunnel and color it in. Sounds goofy but it's better to see on paper that you don't like it then permanetly having it on your boat. This has saved me a ton of grief in the past.

My suggestion would be to have it touch onto the cowl part way up so when you take it off or put it on it lines up. It'll give it a more aggressive look. Another good thing to buy for about $2.99 is these paint pens I buy made by "Pilot" they have gold and silver. I use them to dot on bolt patterns and cracks along the windshields of my boat. You can get the pens at Rite-Aid, Thrify's, Wal-Mart etc....