Beware of your health! Please read..


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Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2003
I want to share something that just happened to me.

Tuesday night I have tooth crack during dinner. Wednesday morning I went to the dentist. They said I need a crown.. Ok,..go ahead.. They took my blood pressure and started acting really odd.

The dentist came in and said "your blood pressure is so high that we cannot give you the shot". And we have to ask you to leave the office. AND we recommend that you go to the hospital.

Blood pressure was 178 / 120.. Holly crap.. So I've been to the doctor, got medication,. many tests waiting for results.

Pay attention to your health. I have never had high blood pressure before.
Anthony.. if, you dont smoke, arent overweight, and all the other lawdry lists of health concerns that kill ya... I'd be right on this, per, never had HBP before... you may have an artery blockage with an imminent possibility of stroke... thats why they wouldnt give you the shot....( die in the chair) teeth, are more than anyone even thinks, as a bad tooth, will deteriorate and push toxins into your blood and basically affects and can damage your heart.... ( antibiotics, before theyll pull/work on bad ones)... now, lol, my BP runs normally to what your high is...( and.. youre in the dentists office, freaking out in the chair, surely) is what it is.... I smoke, and have a really high metabolic rate is all... coffee and Mt dew dont help much either... my wifes a nurse, and she pumps up the 'ole cuff all the time, and well... what?.. Here's the deal.. doc gave you a blood thinner med... maybe even a cholesterol med.... try this, and go give blood once a month so we can see... be prepared for the merry go round/guinea pig deal, as they get ya dialed in... I went through 2 thinners and quit with the side effects( they sucked), and pissed the doc off, went to a third and quit that myself too... I did process elimination on the cholesterol pills and they did nothing.... the third thinner completely has ruined all the cartiledge in my ankles and knees very quickly.... "ya got joint pain??"... no joints... thanks doc.... well, 160 over 110 is it... been as low as 150 to 100.... bottom line, is, IMO, and for everyone else "take this pill"= let me mad scientist on you at your expense.... dude, excersise caution with what they do is all....they'll throw pills at you all day long.... and they dont know, theyre guessing... they guess right.. cool!... Mine didnt like it when i actually told him his pills suck..... but i wasnt prepared in the name of "controlling BP" to walk around dizzy, bell rung, skin burning, joints hurt, and man i lost 10 points in pressure... good boy!.... Your deal is different and very serious..... bypass/stint roto rooter serious, maybe..... just telling you... good luck, and hopefully they'll stabilize it with pills, but, theyre gambling there, too, as they'll thin your blood, or cholesterol, and if the possible blockage breaks off and goes to your brain... well... best wishes man... proceed with caution... yeah... I'm a walkin bomb.... been 150+/100 for 20 years... cant walk almost... "take this pill"... watch 'em and yourself... 'luck.... Mike
At the very least, get a yearly checkup. I learned the hard way. Being and old fart now with medicare and a supplement ins. plan my drs. appnt. are free. So I have no excuse not to go.
Have it checked by somone that does it every day, same thing happened to me, dental techs aren't that good at it, see a pro.

Hi Anthony

Get yourself a blood pressure machine, you can get them at a pharmacy, keep track of your pressure, very important.

Good luck
One word of caution. Not all of the drug store machines are calibrated the same. You could go to one machine and be fine while the next has you with one foot in the coffin. That being said, I do agree with the post by Mike Byer, if you really want to know what's going on, go to a clinic or doctor's office where they actually take readings rather than use a sensored cuff
Mine was a little high according to the Dr. took the pills for a month and couldn't stand the effects. Changed my diet and got it back to normal in a couple months.

HBP, is dangerous!.. medically they say "hypertension, maybe angina, and yadda... try this pill... lol, try that pill... give blood once a month to monitor the effects possibly... insurance money... its all interwoven easily because now, youll list yourself with HBP, etc, and it affects your insurance, your driving and the ability to long term drive... among all the other doo... Anthony's situation is possibly acute( didnt have it before).... which is a possible blockage and a stroke may be lurking... thats why.. the dentist freaked out... I've had a bunch of teeth pulled in 40 years and they never even flinched... tooth's gone.. what happened..went in 160+ /110....even higher with dentist anxiety... Proceed with yourself in mind, Anthony, as, theyll throw pills at you and guinea pig you are... thinning your blood which the pills will do, rolls the dice the blockage or whatver breaks off and... youre done.... more to it.... just like Byer, the side effects through all of them he "pigged me", on... uh huh.... no. Starbucks/energy drink/fast food society... we got pills for that....we dont know how they'll affect Anthony personally, but we have them.... my kidneys are shot, ate the joints outta my knees and legs quickly, and all the other issues... thanks doc... "well!.. mr larson... youre down to 150 over 100!.. good boy!... thanks doc! ... now pour me into my truck.... i been dizzy for 2 years on your pills.... good luck, brother hope you fare well, is all... dont accept chemical stupidity... its your heart.... Mike

They put me on 25mg of some blood pressure medicine,.. I stopped eating CRAP,.. swapped Avocado for Mayo, eating daily fruit and veg,

I have been taking the BP medicine, a multivitamin, fish oil pills (yuck) and one bayer aspirin,.. started with 15 min of heavy elliptical exercise,..

It's been 7 days,.. I was 172 / 120 I think.. Today,.. 143 / 94,.. I did not realize that I was feeling so crappy,.. I felt like crap for so long I thought it was normal.. I actually feel alot better already..
Now go to Google and enter Berkleybloodtest101 proof your numbers might say you're safe but well just read it.

Smoking, Crap Foods and what's in your food you think is ok, no way and use less Sugar its in everything.

1994, 2000 and 2007 are the dates of my Bypass operations. Never any heart attack's.

We all spend more time trying to figure out how to go faster and we should be finding out what's in the food you eat.

You most of the time will never feel high blood pressure.

Be well everyone.

My blood pressure has always run on the low side yet my Cardiologist has put me on HBP meds. I've been on some bad ones also where I felt like I was in a drunken stupor. Others they tried made me barely functional like Coumadin. The problem with some meds like that is that they don't tell you about side-effects or what you can or can't eat. I tried eating healthy while on Coumadin but found out what I was eating was messing with the drug. Vegetables high in Vitamin K were fighting with it. I was eating spinach, brussels sprouts, asparagus and other veggies that are high in Vitamin K not knowing that I shouldn't have been eating those. Vitamin K is good for clotting blood for wounds, etc. but not if you have cholesterol plaque build-up.

I've got a dental assistant that's pretty good at knowing the signs and told me about how much your teeth can affect the rest of your body in ways that you wouldn't normally think of.
, fish oil pills (yuck) \
if you have a Costco near you, get the "enteric coated" ones. they supposedly don't break down until they've passed your stomach, so no fish burps.

The problem with some meds like that is that they don't tell you about side-effects or what you can or can't eat. I tried eating healthy while on Coumadin but found out what I was eating was messing with the drug. Vegetables high in Vitamin K were fighting with it. I was eating spinach, brussels sprouts, asparagus and other veggies that are high in Vitamin K not knowing that I shouldn't have been eating those. Vitamin K is good for clotting blood for wounds, etc. but not if you have cholesterol plaque build-up.
yep. the ugly truth is that "blood thinners" are literally rat poison. D-Con is (or used to be) a massive dose of warfarin/coumadin. And when we had a dog who we suspected might have eaten rat bait, the vet gave a vitamin-K supplement as a treatment. said dog (Ziggy) was OK.