Anyone still running Castor oil?


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Terry Keeley

Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Jul 24, 2002
Please - I don't want this to turn into a "who makes the best oil and why you should run this or that" type of post. :unsure:

I've been having a heck of a time galling pistons in my bigger motors (67's & 90's), it's my fault, I'm trying to make them go faster than they're ready to. Even when they seem to start loosening up just a little pinch on the needle and ouch!

Got talking to an "old school" knowledgeable boater and he asked if I was running castor, nope, just some high grade synthetic.

Called the folks at Blendzall and was convinced to give it a shot, they said castor seeks out heat whereas synthetic oil is repelled by it. Also said their oils are highly purified and burn very clean.

So far I've put 4 gallons of fuel through a fairly tight CMB 67 and all's good, 15% oil, 1/3rd Blendzall 460. There's absolutely no varnish like I remembered with Klotz. This stuff is slick as snot!

Wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience?

What commercial fuels still have Castor?
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The new Nova Rossi motors are making power and heat like we haven't seen and with only synthetic oil we are hurting them. We have started adding castor (BeNOL) and the problems have gone away. As I understand it, Torco is now putting castor in their fuel.

Yes, I run castor in my fuel. Right now, I am using John Otto's fuel which can be purchased with some castor. When I mix myself, I also use some castor.

So for 2%, you add 2.56 oz of castor oil to a full gallon of fuel? Just double checking. :)
On my RS 1.01 I run 60% nitro with 20% Klotz KL-100.

The KL-100 has 20% castor in it.

Never had a piston seize or show any signs of galling.

Don't have to mode the liner at all like most do.

I run the snot out of it after 3 tanks.

Have taken many a plug on lean runs finding the needle on new setups.

The Klots will leave color on the piston.

That oil looks real nice.

Did not see any pricing?
On my RS 1.01 I run 60% nitro with 20% Klotz KL-100.

The KL-100 has 20% castor in it.

Never had a piston seize or show any signs of galling.

Don't have to mode the liner at all like most do.

I run the snot out of it after 3 tanks.

Have taken many a plug on lean runs finding the needle on new setups.

The Klots will leave color on the piston.

That oil looks real nice.

Did not see any pricing?

Runs about $8 a quart and $50 a gallon, they'll sell direct if you can't find a local distributor.

Larry Eagle (one of the owners) was very helpful on the phone. :)
Not sure this applys but a friend X dirt bike racer loved this stuff "Blendzall" but he always said its vegetable oil based and would seperate from the fuel very fast ... approx 4 weeks . He always said "if you mix use it up fast don't let it sit . Any thoughts ?
Hey TK,

I do not run castor. I run Grim Racer Aquacraft 50 percent the way it comes out of the bottle. No bearing,galling problems what so ever. It's fast and easy on plugs.Been running it for 3 years now.
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Hey Terry,

Hope all is well....its been a very very long time :)

When we were running we just used the "special" high grade synthetic oil we got from you - only 9% or 11% (can't remember) and mixed it with 50% and 60% nitro. No castor or bean oil. We used this blend in all our engines 40, 67, to the twin 90's and never had any issues.

I might still have some left maybe 1/2 gallon or so....


Please - I don't want this to turn into a "who makes the best oil and why you should run this or that" type of post. :unsure:

I've been having a heck of a time galling pistons in my bigger motors (67's & 90's), it's my fault, I'm trying to make them go faster than they're ready to. Even when they seem to start loosening up just a little pinch on the needle and ouch!

Got talking to an "old school" knowledgeable boater and he asked if I was running castor, nope, just some high grade synthetic.

Called the folks at Blendzall and was convinced to give it a shot, they said castor seeks out heat whereas synthetic oil is repelled by it. Also said their oils are highly purified and burn very clean.

So far I've put 4 gallons of fuel through a fairly tight CMB 67 and all's good, 15% oil, 1/3rd Blendzall 460. There's absolutely no varnish like I remembered with Klotz. This stuff is slick as snot!

Wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience?

What commercial fuels still have Castor?
Yes , never seized a 91 or 101 . Put some holes in the pistons but no seizing save a VAC 91 drum after 2 years of racing it just seized , Clearanced it and an added oil grooves no problems .
I add 3% benoil to fuel that doesn't have castor, or when mixing fuel with KL200. KL100 already contains 20% castor.