Another Villain in Europe!


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Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2002

Unless somebody ain't fessing up, I have the only two Villains in Europe. You read that right...not one but two! I got the second one Tuesday and got it on the water today. If I could find someone else to drive the second, it would be quite a race!

The second engine/hull from RCboats is awesome! It flies just like the older one. When I first got it on the water, the engine was a bit high and was squirrely. I brought it in, lowered the engine...a bit better but not right. As I decided to bring it in, it hit a wake and I lost control :eek: good thing it was only 1/4 throttle...only minor crack under the chin of the cowling as it bumped into a bush. A quick repair, slight lower and tuck under of the engine and it was back to the water. ;D

I was worried about the waves so I kept the turns slow BUT LOOKOUT :D It flew down the straights as the SS engine cranked on that x440 prop like it was nothing!

Now, if I could just get a GPS, I see 45 mph as the goal to hit.

Grimracer, You FREAKING Rule!


Team Snowdog: Getting ready to add a driver to the team!
Hey Bryan,

Nice job, i would drive it for ya but the travel to and fro mthe races would need to be paid by the team leader ;)

My Villain is nearing its completion just a few minor things to do, like sanding fillets and fitting things together :)

oh and sealing and painting :)

Sure thing Kris,

Anytime you want to come over just let me know. I think I can sell my daughter...that might get me enough to get you here. Just Kidding. Actually, she's the one I'm going to coach to get on the team.

Really though, if you ever come this way, look me up...


Snowdog racing: putting feelers all over the globe.
Hey Bryan. You got most of my name right, it's actually rcboats2 LOL

I should have marked where I had the engine for you before I took it off. I always ran that boat on the edge of blowing over sounds like you'll be doing the same.

Really glad you were happy w/the transaction!

Bryan, I sure will mate...although it wont be for a while yet at the rate i am going ;)

Ahh yes this hobby will make me go broke, lol


Sorry about the missed name on the post. :- I have gotten the boat out again and with the hot weather and lack of wind, the water is so smooth that the boat doesn't even think about's much to nice! Makes me cry :'( I'm so happy.


Team Snowdog: finding enjoyment outside despite the heat!
Hi Bryan,

so you expanded you fleet. You got the villain already assembled? So now you have the pre villain and 2 real ones?

Hope to run with them soon.

I went in the garage to charge my Villain batteries to go run it?? **** it's in frickin Europe. How quickly I forgot.

Please tell her hi for me Bryan.
I'd say yeah but if my other tunnels found out I was two-timing them they might not run the next time I go to the lake. LOL

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