Am I making the right decision?


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Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2006
Back several yrs ago I use to race Nitro boats pretty seriously from running Twin rriggers down to sport 40's.

I quit racing mainly due to political reasons going on in the IMPBA and what was coming up in it for the future. That was one reason and another was I needed a break.

Now I have decided to step back up and purchase boats more so in gas class over the Nitro's. Hopefully to lesson the expense of running but time will dictate if i made the right choice or not.

Now I have been gone from the racing events and the political propaoganda of this hobby I see that it has not really gotten any better and to be quiet honest it's gotten alot worse from reading posts on this forum. I have my doubts of moving forward unless you guys can convience me that it's really getting better and the bickering finger pointing and so on here is personal issues amongst a few here (only). So i ask you to enlighten me on facts of this hobby and where it is truely going because right now as I had stated in a previous post " is this beginning of the end" in my eyes it sure looks as if it is after reading this forum for the past mos or so.

I like to ask you guys..... How do you plan on uniting and making this organization and hobby grow and be what it once was? Arguing and being negative is sure not the way. Look at it..... you (we) don't even have a club to step up to host the 07 internats. Why is this?

Of all the organizations I have been a part of in the past and current right now the IMPBA is from what i read is the most disfunctional of them all. Now this is what I have gathered from reading the forums,

hearing members talk and reading your rooster tail. Maybe deep inside the organization you have a plan and it's not surfaced yet.

There alot of old timers out there that I'm sure are wondering what went wrong and some that just are stuck in there on rut of the old ways. There are alot of new guys with new ideas and maybe they will work and maybe they will not. But one thing for sure if we live in the past we will never see the future.

I ask the question again am I making the right decision to becoming once again a part of this hobby and organization?

So before you reply please think about your reply and don't be keyboard happy and put some thought into it as we are adults and this is only a hobby we as a whole can win or as an individual watch it die.
I also got out of boating for quite a while. ( 20 Years) I made my decision to get back into boating after going to a race and meeting the people first hand, seeing the people helping each other even though they were competitors and the relaxed atmosphere. Believe me, this forum IS NOT an accurate cross section of the boat racers in general. Go to a race and make your decision on the people there, not on here. Just my opinion.
Don't base the hobby on what you see here. Some people like to cause a stink and see their name on the 'puter. You will see it is very much different at the actual events.

Speaking tones can't be distinguished thru the written word. Often the "tone" is misintrepted. If only computers could reach out and smack some people, like what would happen if the people were face to face.
I sure hope you don't base your opinion about the sport of R/C racing from what you see on the internet. These forums, while they can be a good tool also have a habit of attracting trolls that like to stir up problems. Many that post never have been to a race and most likely don't help put on events. Get away from your computer and go out and race, volunteer to help out ,and talk to people in person. I think you will find that if you get away from the virtual world and get out and race with real people you will find that things are not as political as it looks from in here. One thing that is common in any hobby is most people don't want to get involved they would rather just show up and race. If you do go to races and see an area that you think needs improvement get involved, volunteer, help make thing better. I know that as a class chairman in NAMBA I value when someone even takes the time to drop me an email with ideas on how to improve things. I know that most of the class chairmen and officers value input as long as it is constructive. I bet you will find that any offer to help out will be greeted with enthusiasm, once you get away from the keyboard. Most people during the summer that do race are too busy to spend hours here. They are out racing, running races or just helping out.
I agree with Charles, what happens here is quite different from what is seen at the pond. What you see here is people who are passionate about their hobby and sometimes forget that we're all doing this for fun. I also think that some of what people label "bickering" is merely an exchange of ideas.

I also was out of racing, and R/C in general for a long time. I'm glad I got back into it. I'm also glad for places like IW. While there certainly are some disagreements here, I've been able to "meet" (online and in person) some great people that I might not otherwise know. It's also great to have nearly instant sources of information rather than having to wait for a monthly magazine or quarterly newsletter.

I was going to comment on choosing gas versus nitro, but decided not to go there. ;)

I do think some changes are needed to help this hobby grow. Time will tell if IMPBA can change or not...

Politics is a part of any organized hobby or sport. Its a cyclical monster. Sometimes the monster is big and ugly, and other times the monster goes away.

Indeed, there is a problem with the hobby today. The first thing that all boaters need to realize is that a problem exists.

Its all a matter of perspective. Someone with a 5 year perspective cant have the same as my 38 year perspective on the hobby. The value of time is significantly different.

While this forum can be useful in gauging a perspective of many boaters as a whole, it is also true that many different perspectives exist that are never heard.

For me, I would like to see effective change to the rules, scheduling, classes & points in order to see some significant and sustainable growth vs the diminishing returns that we are currently experiencing.

Sure, there are many "old timers" and I am one of them, yet I can see years ahead and troubling signs that are on the horizon.

While I would welcome you to rejoin the hobby, I would ask that you step up and make a difference rather than rejoin and then rejoin those who only complain.

Sure, I understand that some districts continue to be run by the same idealogy, the faces change but the ideals stay the same. This limits growth and seeds desent.

Getting people to step up and make a difference is the hardest part, everyone still wants everyone else to make things happen. This is true in all sports. Those who come forward to offer new ideas need to continue to do so no matter how they are percieved.

Tough decisions need to be made in order to grow the hobby.

I have said this before, Change + Incentive= Growth and Investment.

I say, rejoin and make a difference in your district. Once you have re-established yourself, take a hard look at what is it that is holding back growth in your district and establish a committee of concerned boaters who share your views. Then express those views collectively, your voices will surely be heard as a group rather than alone.

Welcome back.
Guys thanks for the input. You are right reading here and the real world are 2 different realities. I know there are lot of good people here and out there don't don't post that are trying real hard to keep this hobby alive and keep the fun in it and offer as much help as they can to new boaters and old that may be having problems. Then there are those that hide behind the screen and keep the crap stirred and aren't happy unless they cause grief and disruption in whatever is in there lives. I pitty those of you that fall in this catergory and praise those who keep trying.

As mentioned I was involved in racing and helping with club races and one internat the club I belong to held in Huntsville it's alot of work regardless of the event being hosted whether it be a internat or a club race or an event such as winternats in Fl or spring nats in Atlanta.

Brian I think I remember you back when you was designing and building your first wood sport 40. If this is not you my aoplogy for my memory failure (old age) I see you are doing well with your kits and congrats on that. Some here I know you some I don't I have raced with some of you guys and others not of course (grin) I will be attending my first race this upcoming weekend in Huntsville and in all hopes hope to just meet old faces and new again have some fun. Although as mentioned i went the gas direction this time and from my understanding so far gas isn't going to be a very big turnout for the fall race in Huntsville. So I'm hoping to get some boats wet in open water get the feel of the course again and make sure I still have my depth perception again the age showing. If I'm lucky maybe I'll have a boat that can be placed in some open class to run with some guys and have fun.

Your posts makes me feel better at getting back in and I hope more positive posts comes forward not for me but for the hobby as a whole. I close with this comment.

We can find negative in anything we see and do but for those that looks past the negative and the bad to only see the good are the ones that prevail and will always be the last one standing.

For that I wish to see beyond the negative of these posts here and in the hobby as itself and help find a way to bring it back and offer ideas good and bad.
I am a relatively new member of small boat racing after 30+ years of big boat racing. I am not happy with the politics of small boat racing as it is supposed to be a friendly sport. So my recommendation to you is to race, have fun and give the political end a wide berth. Just my opinion. I'm sure you will get lots of advice the other way. Get involved, change everything, fight the politicians to make our sport better. All I can say is good luck whichever way you go. Perry
I am relatively new to R/C Boating, but I love them more than I ever enjoyed flying. You're timing was a little bad though.

Prior to a nasty issue that reared it's ugly head during the Evansville Internat's this year, there were far fewer negative posts, bickering and backbiting than now. The DB issue seems to have brought out the worst, in a lot of folks.

You started monitoring IW at the worst time of the last three years.

There are many more positive boaters than there are in the negative camp, it's just that the negative camp is so loud and disruptive they seem to garner the attention and it reflects on the silent majority.

Throughout my life I've been involved in many hobbies, clubs and organizations and it is always the same. A few loud mouths that don't contribute anything positive, but have spotted ALL of the problems and they seem to thnk they are helping by continually pointing them out, instead of coming up with possibloe solutions.

Most of the folks I've met in boating are great to be around. I just ignore that other side and hope they will go away!

If you ever get to Memphis or Jackson Tennessee get in touch and lets have some fun.

WELCOME BACK! From the sound of your posts, Boating stock just went up! Charlie............
I am a relatively new member of small boat racing after 30+ years of big boat racing. I am not happy with the politics of small boat racing as it is supposed to be a friendly sport. So my recommendation to you is to race, have fun and give the political end a wide berth. Just my opinion. I'm sure you will get lots of advice the other way. Get involved, change everything, fight the politicians to make our sport better. All I can say is good luck whichever way you go. Perry
I aggree with Perry,,,its very simple,,stay out of the politics go racing meet alot of great people and enjoy the weekend,,,sunday night go home hug your wife and kids if any,,, monday morning go to work,,,, learn from your weekend and go from that...simply put dont let yourself fall into the politics of this hobby,,,, you will be surprized how much fun this sport really is..... and i race both gas and nitro and have found no problem with anyone when and if i need help....just ny 2 cents,, and by the way having a blast in this sport have met some awesome people and made good friends some i havent even met face to face yet but i feel like i've know them forever...
Hey Twinsrule I think I know you but I cant put a name on it just yet. Seems like James if I remember right but I can tell you that you built a Twin 21 to run in Sport 40 correct?

Politics are nasty but will always be a part of it. As others have said dont let that get you down and do everything you can to help promote the hobby!

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Yes I'm James sorry guys for not posting my name. I am the guy that built the only twin sport 40 with a pair of Novarossi 21's Long Strokes. Probably the most controversal boat ever built but was well within the rules of sport 40 class.

I agree politics are nasty and not one to get into it at all. However there is a problem that needs to be resolved and fixed so the hobby can move on and grow.

Good to see you're still involved and doing well.


Yes I'm James sorry guys for not posting my name. I am the guy that built the only twin sport 40 with a pair of Novarossi 21's Long Strokes. Probably the most controversal boat ever built but was well within the rules of sport 40 class.

I agree politics are nasty and not one to get into it at all. However there is a problem that needs to be resolved and fixed so the hobby can move on and grow.

Good to see you're still involved and doing well.


Hey James welcome back! The racing is a blast so get out to a race and enjoy! Maybe I can shake the cobwebs off and remember your last name before to long????

Welcome back! I've been out for 12 years and got back in this spring. If you'r looking to meet up with some great people and have some fun racing toy boats you won't have to look far. If you are looking for controvercy you won't have to look far for that either. If 2 guys are rolling marbles down a hill they will argue the other has an advantage. It's part of racing anything I'm convinced. For me personally, if I keep my focus on having fun and not so much on the competition part, I enjoy myself alot more. I sure had alot of fun this summer and am looking forward to alot more.
Welcome back! I've been out for 12 years and got back in this spring. If you'r looking to meet up with some great people and have some fun racing toy boats you won't have to look far. If you are looking for controvercy you won't have to look far for that either. If 2 guys are rolling marbles down a hill they will argue the other has an advantage. It's part of racing anything I'm convinced. For me personally, if I keep my focus on having fun and not so much on the competition part, I enjoy myself alot more. I sure had alot of fun this summer and am looking forward to alot more.
I also started back racing boats last year after laying off for 20 years. I Really Enjoy It and I don't pay much attention to the politics going on at all. When I go to the races I have a blast and that's what counts! Welcome Back!!!
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Speaking as the out going District-2 Director I think that there is a LOT of mis-information on the Internet and a complete ignorance of the facts.

- The idea that the IMPBA is in decline is not true. District 2 has grown substantially since 2001 the last time that we had a good census (2001 - 197 members, 2006 - 301 members). We have 4 new clubs for a total of 13 in the district. We have 16 races, 2 time trials and a healthy relationship between our Gas and Nitro members . The organization as a whole is almost at the identical membership levels as when Florida pulled its 300 members out and went to NAMBA. So since 2001 we have re-placed those 300 members with new members.

- Fiscally the organization has started to put money back in the bank for the first time in a long while and we are back on the road to financial stability.

- We have introduced new rules to deal with noise and safety issues.

- We have introduced all new GAS rules and have had very succesful Gas Nats from Texas to Ohio

- We have encouraged and promoted model boating for our youth, by offering Novice racing and now a reduced family membership fee.

- John Equi has completely revamped and improved the IMPBA office 100%, no longer any waits on cards or membership info, etc. Calls and requests for information are promptly returned.

- The Roostertail is now electronic and published ON TIME every quarter

- The IMPBA website has undergone dramatic content and format changes with more to come.

- The minutes of the directors meetings are available for everyone to see nothing hidden including the vote tallys.

- The financial records are available for all to see

- We now have a representative voting system where the larger districts are accomodated by having a larger voting block.

The only thing that the BOD and executive cant fix are the people who are unhappy with everything that does not suit them.

That said I would suggest going back to a race, enjoy the people, join a club and be a part of the growing number of IMPBA members who are satisfied.

Regards Tony Jacuzzi

PS I was always fond of that Sport40 and used to love to hear those (2) Nova Rossis run..
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I believe that everyone on the net get's fired up once in a while.. including me.. it is the nature of the beast.

I have been in this sport for a while. while it has it's moments it is fun. honestly i enjoy the racing. but the people even more..

you won't be dissapointed with the hobby.. like tony said just race and you will be fine..

I realize there is alot of stuff on the net negative and all, but if you meet these same people at a race. 9 times out of 10 if you ever needed something they would be there in a jiff to help you out..

no worries.. just go enjoy yourself.


Yes I'm James sorry guys for not posting my name. I am the guy that built the only twin sport 40 with a pair of Novarossi 21's Long Strokes. Probably the most controversal boat ever built but was well within the rules of sport 40 class.

I agree politics are nasty and not one to get into it at all. However there is a problem that needs to be resolved and fixed so the hobby can move on and grow.

Good to see you're still involved and doing well.

Hey James,

I always wondered what happened to you. It's good to see you are coming back!!! Do you still have your T-90 Eagle with the Picco H90's (Maynards old boat)?

Jason and I are taking a few years off but hope to be back in a couple of years....

Take Care my friend,
