Aluminum Rigger-


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Andy Greene

Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2006
Anybody catch this from over at Jim's-

Interesting to say the least- figured somebody here might have seen one and could shed a little more light on one. Look's like it would be a PITA to fix if it ever got wacked if you ask me :eek: :eek:

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me and an old racer i knew were gonna build a aircraft aluminumgas rigger once but he ended up moving before we got to start was a shmae woulda been a cool deal....
our club looked Guy 's Tig rigger w/Picco90 so he had fearless racing and really fast :p It was really ugly & tough hull and built very rare limit
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Anybody catch this from over at Jim's-

Interesting to say the least- figured somebody here might have seen one and could shed a little more light on one. Look's like it would be a PITA to fix if it ever got wacked if you ask me :eek: :eek:

Andy, one of our club members has one I believe he bought off of e-bay, it's fast and you would not want to get hit be it as it would certainly destroy any boat it tangeled with.

We had one at our race one year . He was hit by another boat and opened up the radio box . He went 12 ft. under to the bottom of the pond.
john urbowitz was the builder of those riggers, a guy who would think outside the box. he once built a rigger for a new saw record that was just a frame- no skins, very fast but no flotation, if it got off plane it would sink
A freind of mine Lou now owns that rigger. Definitely a piece of work. It is just sitting. One day I might ask about letting me try setting it up and running it again.

Thanks Daniel