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Russ Williamson

Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2005
In a previous post it was mentioned about how IMPBA and NAMBA use the alphabet soup to label engine sizes. I think this topic validates its own thread:)

This was brought up when JD and myself went to both the IMPBA and NAMBA Nationals. Mainly because of my personal confusion (again:) for what class I was supposed to be in at what Nationals.

From a manufacturing/marketing side, the alpha i.d. is not good. For a new consumer, it is really bad. They have no idea what class their "Sport Tunnel" "Sport Hydro" "B-Mod Tunnel", etc., etc. should be in....

Let's pretend you are a consumer......lets see, "B" is ummmmm, lets see IMPBA it is a 3.5, no .21, oops no "D" hmmm, oopps I think that is NAMBA, or it is 7.5, no, F, C,......forget it, I'm not getting involved in this mess.......

Believe it or not, that does happen.

For everybody involved in racing, it is no big deal, you KNOW what it is......

From a manufacturing side to make it easy to identify boats/engines to the general hobby population, all that needs done is label the class "20", "40", "60", etc. Just like the helicopter and airplane competition. Dealers know these sizes, in turn, so will the consumer. Same goes for "Mod" or "Stock".

Also, label the class with one more word for what it is. "Sport 20" ???? Sport 20 what? Sport 20 Hydro...Sport 20 Tunnel, Mod 20 Tunnel...etc., etc. Whatever it is called, define it with a few words and general size. Rule books can then state the legal limits for .21 engines, .40 - .46 engines, etc.

JD and I talked to many IMPBA and NAMBA officials and everybody is in agreement with this because it is the right thing to do. Now it just needs defined and put into action. I bet there is somebody out there willing to take this on that could really think this through and make it really simple for a new consumer:)

Dang Russ, whatever it was you had for your birthday dinner got ya' fired up.

It ain't original but, " Get 'er done!!"

I agree, especially for the people who race in both IMPBA and NAMBA, , Just make the classes the same for all. so that it will stop the confusion for each oraginaziton.

The presidents of IMPBA and NAMBA should get the ball rolling.

If NAMBA got rid of the alphabet, they would be able to add the .12 hydro class. :D

While on the subject of changing the naming of classes - what about covering electric and Gas classes at the same time?
If NAMBA got rid of the alphabet, they would be able to add the .12 hydro class. :D


NAMBA could just call it the A- class.

I agree, it is time the two organizations come together and change it to the way the manufacturers are describing their products. Much simpler.

While we are at it, I have one other suggestion. IMPBA and NAMBA both have umbrella insurance policies. There are differences between organizations on how it is done and what is an insured body of water. However, there are two different policies. Why not unite and both organizations secure a single policy for both organizations? It will be cheaper for all and both have stated that insurance is the # 1 expense for the organization. More buying power in larger numbers, insurance issues nearly go away. The organizations can remain separate but have a common insurance policy. Smart business decision. I am a business man and I am rather stumped, other than possibly politics, that this has not been done before. Look at APBA and bring them in as well. Then you have all the North American bases covered. Not sure how our international brothers could be brought into it but we need to include them. Let's do what is best for the sport and hobby as a whole. Then we all are winners.

Just my thought for the day. I get one a day!
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While we are at it, I have one other suggestion. IMPBA and NAMBA both have umbrella insurance policies.

What have you been smok'n?

NAMBA could just call it the A- class
They have an A class.

Letters have always seemed rediculous to me.
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Mike, NAMBA could call it the 1/2-A class but then it may get confused by the flyers who consider 1/2-A the .049 engines.
just seen this.. copy from the OB side

The IMPBA adopted the letters from the old airplane free flight days. However unlike free flight there is no 1/4A or 1/2A in model boating… We just started off with A.

Also just for a quick clarification.. and this is important at least for now is that we call it Sport 21 Tunnel.. I have had guys confused by saying Sport 20 tunnel. They hear Sport 20 and sometimes not the tunnel.. Can you see the confusion.. Minor.. I agree.

Because i have followed this format for a long time (im a nut for the old aircraft stuff) IMPBAs system, as nutty as it seems, makes since to me. How NAMBA moved the displacements –vrs- numbers up a engine size is a mystery to me. Im sure someone knows more about this then me.

If it were up to me i would dump the old lettering system for a new easer to understand prospective for the new boater.

12 Tunnel

20 Tunnel

40 Tunnel

60-80 Tunnel, Hydro, Mono whatever... you get the point.

25 gas hydro.. whatever the gas dudes need is cool with me.

for FE it would be

8 cell hydro or maybe 10 volt Hydro..

12 cell hydro, mono, sport hydro and the like. I feel that in a few years.. maybe now.. brushed motors will be a thing of the past anyway.. so to heck with motor call out. Want a spec class.. have at it. call it LSH.. or O as they do now and leave as is..
for FE it would be
8 cell hydro or maybe 10 volt Hydro..
With the insurgence of LiPoly, I think classifying by volts would be better.

"8 cell hydro?! I can run 8 LiPo cells!!? WOOHOOO!!"
We (FE'ers) have been discussing the usage of Volts to regulate classes just as Mike had stated.

Since Lipo power is now available but not legal...denoting the classes by voltage and not cell count would be a better alternative. Of course the most difficult part is trying to get all the electric racers to agree what the voltage should be and how to measure or spec it. Cells at rest have a higher V than under load. Also some classes such as 4 cell and 8 cell cannot fit into a Lipo V range. So either keep the older cell tech and run 'em or IMO just eliminate those classes. (there are too many anyways, againIMO, and each year someone wants to add another class or 2)...sorry starting to digress.

So in short...yes rename the way the classes less the letter designation.
Recently coming out of the FIA electric glider designation's the customary IMPBA and NAMBA designations seem almost impenatrable, sorta like the Govt's love of alphabet soup names. I can not see the two governing bodies agree on anything! It almost sounds like a turf war, one side saying there way is better! A single governing body would be better as far as I can see, but alot of chiefs would have their feathers plucked out of their headdress's then!

We (FE'ers) have been discussing the usage of Volts to regulate classes just as Mike had stated.

Since Lipo power is now available but not legal...denoting the classes by voltage and not cell count would be a better alternative. Of course the most difficult part is trying to get all the electric racers to agree what the voltage should be and how to measure or spec it. Cells at rest have a higher V than under load. Also some classes such as 4 cell and 8 cell cannot fit into a Lipo V range. So either keep the older cell tech and run 'em or IMO just eliminate those classes. (there are too many anyways, againIMO, and each year someone wants to add another class or 2)...sorry starting to digress.

So in short...yes rename the way the classes less the letter designation.
There is the start of another thread, too many classes:!) That is no doubt.......
We (FE'ers) have been discussing the usage of Volts to regulate classes just as Mike had stated.

Since Lipo power is now available but not legal...denoting the classes by voltage and not cell count would be a better alternative. Of course the most difficult part is trying to get all the electric racers to agree what the voltage should be and how to measure or spec it. Cells at rest have a higher V than under load. Also some classes such as 4 cell and 8 cell cannot fit into a Lipo V range. So either keep the older cell tech and run 'em or IMO just eliminate those classes. (there are too many anyways, againIMO, and each year someone wants to add another class or 2)...sorry starting to digress.

So in short...yes rename the way the classes less the letter designation.
There is the start of another thread, too many classes:!) That is no doubt.......
I see Mr Zuber has read this ,time to weigh in Bill and lets see if NAMBA will talk about it. Both orgs are strong and there should be some contact between both to help the sport grow. My opinion is that the current IMPBA gods are not from the old school but willing to make the sport grow so lets fix something here and all stick together as fellow boaters....Mike Schindler IMPBA9112 PS IW has done more to help this sport in two years than anything ive ever seen in my 25 years in IMPBA
Hey mike we are working on it from IMPBA 's end but we have other business to finnish up first before we start on this issue. Jerry and Russ both talked to me at this years Internats.

We (FE'ers) have been discussing the usage of Volts to regulate classes just as Mike had stated.

Since Lipo power is now available but not legal...denoting the classes by voltage and not cell count would be a better alternative. Of course the most difficult part is trying to get all the electric racers to agree what the voltage should be and how to measure or spec it. Cells at rest have a higher V than under load. Also some classes such as 4 cell and 8 cell cannot fit into a Lipo V range. So either keep the older cell tech and run 'em or IMO just eliminate those classes. (there are too many anyways, againIMO, and each year someone wants to add another class or 2)...sorry starting to digress.

So in short...yes rename the way the classes less the letter designation.
There is the start of another thread, too many classes:!) That is no doubt.......
I see Mr Zuber has read this ,time to weigh in Bill and lets see if NAMBA will talk about it. Both orgs are strong and there should be some contact between both to help the sport grow. My opinion is that the current IMPBA gods are not from the old school but willing to make the sport grow so lets fix something here and all stick together as fellow boaters....Mike Schindler IMPBA9112 PS IW has done more to help this sport in two years than anything ive ever seen in my 25 years in IMPBA
Bill really does not have to push this as a formal proposal can be submitted using the proper guidelines and we the members can change it. I see no reason to wait on NAMBA, nothing against NAMBA.

Either change it to a c.c. listing or add a "G" class because Buckshot is going to run twin 1.0 cu in. :lol:

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