1968 Stiletto 1/4 scale


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Feb 14, 2008
About 18 years ago I built an RC boat from plans I found in a 1968 popular mechanics encyclopedia. The hull is made from ABS plastic and is 49" long and weighs 9 Lbs without running gear. Some people have told me it looks like a Crackerbox boat.

My grandfather helped me build it before he passed away and I'd really like to finish it right.

It used to have a Weedeater engine in it and it is/was subsurface drive, I want to convert it to surface drive as cheaply as I can with used parts if possible.

I really need guidance with this project as I know nothing about water propped boats (I run airboats)

What things am I going to need as far as running gear to get it up and going? Is it even possible?

Pics when it was first built: click pics for larger view.

And pics taken today:

It seems that this project will die. The plastic is way too brittle throughout the boat to support an engine. I started to smooth out the bottom to get rid of the warp, but I ended up cutting a section out...........


Normally the plastic won't break when bent, but it is so old it breaks like a piece of balsa.

I still have the book I got the plans from, I might try to build an identical boat from wood at a later date, but for right now, it's dead.