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Bruce Jacobs

Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Dec 4, 2003
We need to get the noise rule issues sorted out and I agree the races and results forum was not the best place, but it was a start. I have sent my partner Stu an amendment to the rule for his review, and after he sorts it out, I will be sending it to my district director, and numeous other members of the board for their review well in advance of the 30 day requirement prior to the board meeting at toledo. It has provisions in it for us all to share the data we have been gathering on the varibles, but had no place to send it for serious consideration. This noise issue has festered long enough and the current board will need to decide at the meeting what course of action to take, as the current membership no longer want to hear that it is only a few who are affected by the rule and therefore no action is warranted. And just for those interested, I just had my DB meter recalibrated and it was found to be in tolerance, it's not cheap, but knowing that the readings I take are correct is worthit. And to clearup a misunderstanding on the mufflering device at the masters, a tuned pipe is a form of muffler and if that meets the DB limit, then there will be no problem.
We need to get the noise rule issues sorted out and I agree the races and results forum was not the best place, but it was a start. I have sent my partner Stu an amendment to the rule for his review, and after he sorts it out, I will be sending it to my district director, and numeous other members of the board for their review well in advance of the 30 day requirement prior to the board meeting at toledo. It has provisions in it for us all to share the data we have been gathering on the varibles, but had no place to send it for serious consideration. This noise issue has festered long enough and the current board will need to decide at the meeting what course of action to take, as the current membership no longer want to hear that it is only a few who are affected by the rule and therefore no action is warranted. And just for those interested, I just had my DB meter recalibrated and it was found to be in tolerance, it's not cheap, but knowing that the readings I take are correct is worthit. And to clearup a misunderstanding on the mufflering device at the masters, a tuned pipe is a form of muffler and if that meets the DB limit, then there will be no problem.
Bruce i asked about the Toledo board meeting and was told they stopped them a few years back. Mike
Guess I need to get out more, well I recon the board will have a meeting at some point and now they have something else to work on.
The Board has been working on a solution for over a month, we are close to a fix but as you know with all the members and ideas its taken a lot of time. I can tell you ive spent time every day on this and wont stop till we have it fixxed. We also feel the need to have something in place before the racing season gets in full swing. Mike Schindler IMPBA Technical Director
Guess I need to get out more, well I recon the board will have a meeting at some point and now they have something else to work on.
The Board has been working on a solution for over a month, we are close to a fix but as you know with all the members and ideas its taken a lot of time. I can tell you ive spent time every day on this and wont stop till we have it fixxed. We also feel the need to have something in place before the racing season gets in full swing. Mike Schindler IMPBA Technical Director
This is great. IT JUST NEEDS A LITTLE MESSAGING.Bruce I hate to break it to you but anytime the temp or humidity changes so does the the db meter calabration. Calabration unless it is a couple of times dailey is useless but i do supose it is better than the extreme we saw at the internats last year. I wish we could have faith but from the stories we have heard it does not look promosing. I guess we well just have to see what is proposed.

Quote by Mark Ballard


You are major part of the problem on this issue in the first place. You have pushed all of these bad rules using the background that you have of OSHA compliance. And you feel that everything that is done needs a fine or a penalty. There was only about 10% of the membership that voted and put this rule in. I do not want to hear about this is what the membership wanted. I know that you have made many comments about my shop not being very OSHA compliant when you have visited. And I have you to know tha we run a very safe shop and do things the best that we can for what we have to work with. Now if you would like to inspect our shop we will be glad to show you the door and to let you know to not let it hit you on the butt on the way out.


So Mark your not part of that 10% that voted?

Who gives a rat’s ass about your shop and what Bill thinks about it?

If you’re going to pull the trigger on Bill by insinuating that he is the problem well than back up your claim with some proof. If you can’t than stop pointing fingers and let's see this top secret data you have gathered that will help create the perfect noise rule.

Quote by Mark Ballard"Bill,

You are major part of the problem on this issue in the first place. You have pushed all of these bad rules using the background that you have of OSHA compliance. And you feel that everything that is done needs a fine or a penalty. There was only about 10% of the membership that voted and put this rule in. I do not want to hear about this is what the membership wanted. I know that you have made many comments about my shop not being very OSHA compliant when you have visited. And I have you to know tha we run a very safe shop and do things the best that we can for what we have to work with. Now if you would like to inspect our shop we will be glad to show you the door and to let you know to not let it hit you on the butt on the way out.


So Mark your not part of that 10% that voted?

Who gives a rat’s ass about your shop and what Bill thinks about it?

If you’re going to pull the trigger on Bill by insinuating that he is the problem well than back up your claim with some proof. If you can’t than stop pointing fingers and let's see this top secret data you have gathered that will help create the perfect noise rule.

Guys its time to get proactive,negative comments just slow the process.Great strides were made after the 06 nats in the quieting of boats. As a membership this rule was voted in,i have no idea of the numbers but it passed and now we will tweak it to work.
Guys its time to get proactive,negative comments just slow the process.Great strides were made after the 06 nats in the quieting of boats. As a membership this rule was voted in,i have no idea of the numbers but it passed and now we will tweak it to work.
I agree Mike it's time for us to move from the "I can't" to the "I can" attitude.
Quote by Mark Ballard"Bill,

You are major part of the problem on this issue in the first place. You have pushed all of these bad rules using the background that you have of OSHA compliance. And you feel that everything that is done needs a fine or a penalty. There was only about 10% of the membership that voted and put this rule in. I do not want to hear about this is what the membership wanted. I know that you have made many comments about my shop not being very OSHA compliant when you have visited. And I have you to know tha we run a very safe shop and do things the best that we can for what we have to work with. Now if you would like to inspect our shop we will be glad to show you the door and to let you know to not let it hit you on the butt on the way out.


So Mark your not part of that 10% that voted?

Who gives a rat’s ass about your shop and what Bill thinks about it?

If you’re going to pull the trigger on Bill by insinuating that he is the problem well than back up your claim with some proof. If you can’t than stop pointing fingers and let's see this top secret data you have gathered that will help create the perfect noise rule.


I can back what I say up about Bill. And there has not been any secret data that I have gathered. I had it presented it to the board and also gave instructions for it to be placed in the Roostertail in December. But I myself just when looking for it and it is not there. So who's doing who.

Quote by Mark Ballard"Bill,

You are major part of the problem on this issue in the first place. You have pushed all of these bad rules using the background that you have of OSHA compliance. And you feel that everything that is done needs a fine or a penalty. There was only about 10% of the membership that voted and put this rule in. I do not want to hear about this is what the membership wanted. I know that you have made many comments about my shop not being very OSHA compliant when you have visited. And I have you to know tha we run a very safe shop and do things the best that we can for what we have to work with. Now if you would like to inspect our shop we will be glad to show you the door and to let you know to not let it hit you on the butt on the way out.


So Mark your not part of that 10% that voted?

Who gives a rat’s ass about your shop and what Bill thinks about it?

If you’re going to pull the trigger on Bill by insinuating that he is the problem well than back up your claim with some proof. If you can’t than stop pointing fingers and let's see this top secret data you have gathered that will help create the perfect noise rule.

If you have the info just post it?

I can back what I say up about Bill. And there has not been any secret data that I have gathered. I had it presented it to the board and also gave instructions for it to be placed in the Roostertail in December. But I myself just when looking for it and it is not there. So who's doing who.

Guys its time to get proactive,negative comments just slow the process.Great strides were made after the 06 nats in the quieting of boats. As a membership this rule was voted in,i have no idea of the numbers but it passed and now we will tweak it to work.
I agree Mike it's time for us to move from the "I can't" to the "I can" attitude.
Hopefully, those who are inclined to push the noise limit to the max will take on this attitude.

When I started boating 25+ years ago there were people who refused to do anything to make their boats quieter. They were proud to have the loudest boat on the pond. Fast forward 25 years and there are still people who just don't want to have to run quiet boats. I support an agressive noise reduction policy for the sake of our sites and our own hearing. If someone wants to setup their boat so it's just under the limit, then they're at risk of being over on occasion, and they should be prepared to face the consequences.

If we need a better measuring methodology, so be it. But let's not go backward to the useless muffler rule, or the less agressive 95 DB standard. Let's also not make the consequences so weak that we coddle those who just won't quiet their boats down.
I am for a rule if it WORKS.

Here is my complaint i have ranted on about this rule.. IF someone can show or prove to me this will happen cool. lets do it.

Can you ( meaning the host club ) promise me that you will have a imbyasst and impratial person running the meter all day??

I have been to races last year that we not that way so you take your d.b's, mufflers, pipes what ever you have or want and toss it until this can happen.

Like i said, i am for a rule that works. But this in one thing that unfortuanly cannot be controlled..

The other side of it is i know clubs are short handed enough to run a race the way it is.. Are you going to be the guy to say, I WILL DO THE D.B METER. that is the other problem.

just my thoughts


( mister made a muffler from electrical box fittings a used pipe and tubing from home depot last year at the 06 internats, drove 9 hrs to get there so i can race and try to pass d.b. so i don't go home )
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I am for a rule if it WORKS.
Here is my complaint i have ranted on about this rule.. IF someone can show or prove to me this will happen cool. lets do it.

Can you ( meaning the host club ) promise me that you will have a imbyasst and impratial person running the meter all day??

I have been to races last year that we not that way so you take your d.b's, mufflers, pipes what ever you have or want and toss it until this can happen.

Like i said, i am for a rule that works. But this in one thing that unfortuanly cannot be controlled..

The other side of it is i know clubs are short handed enough to run a race the way it is.. Are you going to be the guy to say, I WILL DO THE D.B METER. that is the other problem.

just my thoughts


( mister made a muffler from electrical box fittings a used pipe and tubing from home depot last year at the 06 internats, drove 9 hrs to get there so i can race and try to pass d.b. so i don't go home )
Chris i cant see someone sitting at the meter all day,most clubs have a hard time with turn judges. This rule was not meant for a sherrif to sit and wait for a outlaw but as a means to help us quiet our boats. My thoughts would be for someone to moniter noise a round or so and if all is well wait for a complaint that his or her boat sounds loud. If at the 06 nats round one would have went ok we would not had to post a man there.
I know this is looking at things in a different light, so Im just asking. What is the big deal with having a loud boat. I know 95-98 db is loud. Is the difference between a boat in with 98 db and a boat with lets say 90 db going to be the difference in loosing the pond you race at? I just dont see this as such a big deal. The more we limit ourselves the more poeple tend to cheat (I know it sounds bad). Im not saying we should be able to go back to strait pipes like in the 70's or anything, but a regular pipe never pissed me off in any way. These rules seem to be just limitations in more ways than one. So now a newbie who wants to race needs to go out and buy a $80 muffled pipe? Well I got quite pipes on all my boats, and I can honestly say, they arent much quieter. All I see when I look at them is another rise in cost. So what Im asking is that this noise restriction we are putting on because of locals who live near ponds that some of you guys run at? Did these locals come out of there houses and say "could you please keep the db below 92 please" I know it sounds like Im making a joke of it, but seriously, who standing next to the pond and a boat goes by at 92db thinks its quiet? Its still loud as hell. After you got your boat a muffled pipe, did that same local come out and say "ahh, thats better." No, I just dont think this is a relavent rule that someone who is a true racer should need to drive 9 hours to custom rig a muffler so he can race his boat. Sorry if I sound like rules shouldnt apply to me or us, Im just saying why is this a rule at all? Lets keep it under 100 db, so we can just frickin race. If anyone goes over 100db gets a "loudest boat" trophy. I personally like to hear my boat.......

Larry Gempp Jr.
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The office published the article you submitted for the Decmber issue of the Roostertail it is on page 36 or some where around there, that is all you submitted for the December issue of the Roostertail. We do have your other glow engine proposal on the agenda for the next meeting.

Quote by Mark Ballard"Bill,

You are major part of the problem on this issue in the first place. You have pushed all of these bad rules using the background that you have of OSHA compliance. And you feel that everything that is done needs a fine or a penalty. There was only about 10% of the membership that voted and put this rule in. I do not want to hear about this is what the membership wanted. I know that you have made many comments about my shop not being very OSHA compliant when you have visited. And I have you to know tha we run a very safe shop and do things the best that we can for what we have to work with. Now if you would like to inspect our shop we will be glad to show you the door and to let you know to not let it hit you on the butt on the way out.


So Mark your not part of that 10% that voted?

Who gives a rat’s ass about your shop and what Bill thinks about it?

If you’re going to pull the trigger on Bill by insinuating that he is the problem well than back up your claim with some proof. If you can’t than stop pointing fingers and let's see this top secret data you have gathered that will help create the perfect noise rule.


I can back what I say up about Bill. And there has not been any secret data that I have gathered. I had it presented it to the board and also gave instructions for it to be placed in the Roostertail in December. But I myself just when looking for it and it is not there. So who's doing who.

I know this is looking at things in a different light, so Im just asking. What is the big deal with having a loud boat. I know 95-98 db is loud. Is the difference between a boat in with 98 db and a boat with lets say 90 db going to be the difference in loosing the pond you race at? I just dont see this as such a big deal. The more we limit ourselves the more poeple tend to cheat (I know it sounds bad). Im not saying we should be able to go back to strait pipes like in the 70's or anything, but a regular pipe never pissed me off in any way. These rules seem to be just limitations in more ways than one. So now a newbie who wants to race needs to go out and buy a $80 muffled pipe? Well I got quite pipes on all my boats, and I can honestly say, they arent much quieter. All I see when I look at them is another rise in cost. So what Im asking is that this noise restriction we are putting on because of locals who live near ponds that some of you guys run at? Did these locals come out of there houses and say "could you please keep the db below 92 please" I know it sounds like Im making a joke of it, but seriously, who standing next to the pond and a boat goes by at 92db thinks its quiet? Its still loud as hell. After you got your boat a muffled pipe, did that same local come out and say "ahh, thats better." No, I just dont think this is a relavent rule that someone who is a true racer should need to drive 9 hours to custom rig a muffler so he can race his boat. Sorry if I sound like rules shouldnt apply to me or us, Im just saying why is this a rule at all? Lets keep it under 100 db, so we can just frickin race. If anyone goes over 100db gets a "loudest boat" trophy. I personally like to hear my boat.......
Larry Gempp Jr.
Hey, you trouble maker :p

Ahhhh, I love the smell of nitro in the morning and the ringing in my ears for the rest of the day !!!

Bring on the big-blocks with the unmuffled MUCK 15cc pipes !!!!

LMAO....thanks. :lol: :lol:
Hey, you trouble maker :p

Ahhhh, I love the smell of nitro in the morning and the ringing in my ears for the rest of the day !!!

Bring on the big-blocks with the unmuffled MUCK 15cc pipes !!!!

LMAO....thanks. :lol: :lol:

Right On!!!!!