Sweden Bound!


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Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2002
Im leaving at 5am for the start of a 2,200 mile round trip journey to Sweden and back. This is the first race of the year in Sweden for the tunnels, and I am meeting up with Christer Burstrom(crille on here)to try our luck again this year. Last years race was probably the worst race I have ever had in my life, so I have some catching up to do! Anyway, I shot a few pics of my loaded race vehicle. :)

I am carrying 210 liters of fuel (with coupons for 200 more), including whats in the tank in hopes of not having to buy gas on the European economy as its a little over 9 bucks a gallon, and I am not exactly driving a Prius. We can buy gas on the military base at about half price (still $4.10 per gallon!) so I am taking as much with me as possible. If I play my cards right, I should be able to do this race for less than $500.00 total money spent on the trip. Not bad for a 4 night stay in Sweden!

Got to add a few pounds to my airbags on the truck! there is a lot of weight back there...


Not much room to spare!



This is going to be my living quarters for the next 5 days. It inludes a hot shower system, DVD player, refridgerator, king size mattress, flushing toilet, changing room, awning, sink, two burner grill, etc etc. I do a lot of off-roading, camping and exploring as my other "hobby", but this also comes in handy when I go tot the boat races.





It will be nice to get back out on the pond after the closing of OER, I was starting to miss playing with boats now! I think our next race will be with the guys in Finland over the 4th of July weekend. The wife will go with me to that one and we will turn it into a sightseeing event since we will be driving through a few of the old eastern block countries. Wish me luck!

drive safe , have fun & good luck, james. don't know why i threw in the second one, i know you'll have fun!
Have a great time James! I like your truck, it's sweet.

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Results from the race

1 Christer Burstrom HTB260/TS2

2 Tobbe Carlsson TT Bandit

3 Juha Honkanen TS2

4 Pontus Laakkonen TS2

5 James Clegg HTB 290

6 Anders Enblom TS2

7 Christer Sjogren TS2

8 Bo Sandstrom TS2

9 Niklas Ericsson TS2

10 Fredrik Lundal TT Bandit


you are taking a lot of stuff with you, especially gas.........

I see you did camp in your own backyard.

Crille: thanks for the results.

LOL... No, I didnt camp in the back yard, just set up the stuff to make sure it all worked when I got it.

Thanks for posting the results Christer! Christer and I both tied for the Top Qualifier position of the A-main, but at the start my engine cut-off before it even went in the water :( That meant starting a lap down for the A-main. All in all it was a good weekend, rough water prevented a lot of close racing, but it was the same for everyone. Next race is in Finland, in a few weeks.

Bill, whats the point of having 7 Jerry cans if they arent full? I always carry fuel on my travels, it beats paying 9 bucks a gallon for it!

LOL... No, I didnt camp in the back yard, just set up the stuff to make sure it all worked when I got it.
Thanks for posting the results Christer! Christer and I both tied for the Top Qualifier position of the A-main, but at the start my engine cut-off before it even went in the water :( That meant starting a lap down for the A-main. All in all it was a good weekend, rough water prevented a lot of close racing, but it was the same for everyone. Next race is in Finland, in a few weeks.

Bill, whats the point of having 7 Jerry cans if they arent full? I always carry fuel on my travels, it beats paying 9 bucks a gallon for it!


Hi James,

I noticed that You will race in Finland allso..

And just wanted to point out that You might run into trouble with the Finnish Customs if u have

with you 7 extra jerrycans of fuel.. stupid regulations , but thats Finland.


Importation of fuels

Fuel in the regular fuel tank of a motor vehicle arriving

from a country not in the EU or from the EU is duty and

taxfree. Fuel in portable tanks carried by a passenger

car or motor cycle is duty- and taxfree up to the

maximum amount of 10 litres if it is of the same kind as

the fuel used by the vehicle involved.
Hey Thomas, I was going to send you a message, will you be at the race in Finland? I thought I was going to have the same problem with the fuel going into Sweden as they have a similar rule (up to 20 liters extra), but the customs agents were more interested in my boats than anything! They never said anything about the Jerry cans, and they made me take almost everything out of the truck for "inspection". I will just have to take a chance. :)


A little off-topic here, but, real nice Taco. Are those factory Toyota alloys? Those are great trucks.

Jr. B
JR Branham, yeah they are the factory alloys that I had powder coated in flat black. It is a great truck, unfortunately Toyota screwed up on the frame though, and they are now having to buy back several hundred thousand of the truck due to extreme rust issues caused by imporper treating from the factory. They are buying back my truck as well, its sad, but they are offering a large amoutn of money for the hassle. They are giving me $14,000.00 for the truck. Its a 98 and I paid $8500 for it two years ago. Plus, I get to keep all of the aftermarket stuff off of it. Hard to say no to that. If you know anyone with a 95-2000 tacoma, tell them to do an internet search for "tacoma frame rust" and cash in on the deal. Mine will be heading to the crusher along with all of the others within a month or so.

Few pictures from the race:










I heard about that rust issue. I had a 2000 and it was rust free. When they send you the money go get you an FJ Cruiser. :D

Jr. B
James just tell them it fuel for your boats! :rolleyes:

Hey Thomas, I was going to send you a message, will you be at the race in Finland? I thought I was going to have the same problem with the fuel going into Sweden as they have a similar rule (up to 20 liters extra), but the customs agents were more interested in my boats than anything! They never said anything about the Jerry cans, and they made me take almost everything out of the truck for "inspection". I will just have to take a chance. :)
You have no idea. I had already picked out my FJ. Then, because we are over here with the military, I couldnt get it ordered how I wanted it, so I backed out. Then, I ordered a new Jeep Rubicon, to the exact specs I wanted. They told me I would have it in 2 months. A weeks later they called and said it would be 5 months for the Rubi because they were only building the 09's, so I back out again as I can not, not go wheeling for 5 months. Now, I am having our 1996 Jeep XJ (cherokee) shipped over here from the US. I am going to turn it into my trail rig. Its already bought and paid for, so I will be able to spend about 8 grand building it how I want it, and wont have a car payment, and cheap insurance. Now I just have to wait on the slow boat to get it over here. Also, I have to figure out what we are going to use when we come to the states for visiting, and how to pull my trailer to the Tunnel Champs race. Oh well, gotta do what you gotta do.

Glad to hear your 2000 was rust free, most southern trucks seem to be ok, mine however originated in Idaho, and then spent the last 8 years in the salt and snow of Germany. I am just glad Toyota stepped up and is making it right. My frame was actually not "bad" compared to some of the other guys trucks, here is a pic of the hole that caused my truck to be purchased back from Toyota:

Right in front of the rear spring hanger


May she rest in peace! I put a lot of hard work (built all of the armor myself) and money into this thing. Other than the frame, its perfect.




Few videos of recent wheeling trip

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