END OF THE ROAD!!!!! time to move on....


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aaron alberico

Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2002

After long hard think i have made the decision to sell up everything and i'm getting out

of the hobby...

i wanna say thank you to all that i had the pleasure of meeting/dealing with,

there are some really great people out there...

Someone else will be taking over Novarossi in Australia soon...

I will get out my last few orders and that is it...

i will start listing stuff in the for sale page soon..

thank you

Regards Aaron
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That’s a shame we will miss you.

it is an interesting road that we travel, this hobby that we enjoy can have many challenges in it some personal some financial and some family at times we have to make sacrifices and the hobby that we enjoy must take second place to more important aspects of our live but don’t despair in time you’ll hear the call again and the smell of nitro will lure you back until then all the best.

Regards Paul
well what do i say , my advice to you aaron would be to hang on to a few of your boats you like store them and you may have a change of heart wishing you never sold up after all bud its a hobby for keeping you sane , every man needs an outlet in life.

like you know for me its about all i can do for my self now and the best part for me is building them.

good luck to you no doubt you will show up at the lake from time to time.
Just stunning reading that Aaron stops...

I had the pleasure of meeting him in Melbourne one day.

Great guy.

Whatever you do, just follow your heart.

Aaron, Too bad your quitting but one must follow their heart. Never had the pleasure to meet you but always loved to watch the movies of your boats.
Aaron, keep in touch with me brother. Only a few of you guys on that side of the pond that I call my buds. Email, phone, online, whatever. I sent you a PM as well.
Well ****............ don't really know what to say here. Aaron it saddens me to see you walk away from this hobby but consider myself fortunate to have had the opportunity to spend some fun times with you and even more fortunate to be able to call you a good friend. While I hope during this weekend perhaps you'll sit back and maybe re-think things but if it is still the path you choose I wish you all the best. And just because if you choose to stop it will not be a reason to not keep in touch, you'll still be one of the good ones in my book. :)
Hello Aaron, I too had a change of mind about my lifes priorities. I had reached a "Y" in the road and chose a life without our toy boats at his time. However, I will not be selling anything boating related for now. I will just put it in storage. I have gone through this many years ago and eventually decided to get back into boats in a much smaller scale.

We never met, but I always considered you as my friend. There is a chance that we will meet in the future. I plan on doing some traveling. Who knows what the future will bring.

Your Friend,

WOW Aaron.. Good Luck with your next adventure.

I know you were a respected figure in model boating and helped people to achieve new heights in this hobby.

Even though we may have conversed only briefly I'm aware of your contributions.

Really.. good luck and you will be missed


We all wish you the very best as you pursue a new adventure. Know full well that you have inspired all of us here at Intlwaters in one way or another. Take care.

Good Luck Aaron! so Keep good life yourself and focus enjoy growth kids ;) you will come back hobby in 10 year later

Wishing you and your family the best in the future.

It was nice to converse with you in the past and I hope you are

moving on to bigger and better things in your life. We are thankful

for what you brought to model boating.

Good Luck,

Mark Sholund
Aaron, whatever the reasons for your backing away at this point- KNOW ONE THING .

IMHO - You have contributed greatly to our hobby and can step back for a while feeling proud you covered many of the major bases that most of us in this hobby strive for. You have set records(some **** nice ones) -become a reliable distributor of quality products and ambassador for the sport in your side of the world as well as ours. You have shared information and knowledge along the way and helped grow the sport -made a name for yourself that you can be proud of- realize it or not, those are very respected contributions to our little nitch we call rc boat racing. We have never personally met, but I would like to shake your hand one day at a race and thank you. I dont run riggers but always follow your stuff. DONT sell everything- stick one or two away, a person with your passion for this sickness is sure to be back- we can only hope.

Good luck mate and best wishes,

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Aaron, the good news is I don't believe boating ever leaves your blood and we will see you again soon! Take care!


I hope everything is ok as this seems a bit of a drastic thing to do!

I'll give you a call in the next couple of days to catch up.

Geez Aaron, I can't believe I'm reading this! I too hope all is well.

Mate, it won't be the same without you at a race meeting, both at the race site and at the "after race antics" (which I will personally miss most!)

Hope you still make it along to the odd event to catch up and have a beer!

Yes I to hope all is well and you have just decided on having more family time. Definitely going to leave a hole in this sport not only in Oz but all over the world. Personally, you have been a massive help in getting me going in the right direction for which I can never thank you enough.

All the best and hope to see you back at a pond one day in any capacity.
Aaron, this is sad news, and I will hate not seeing you at the EC SAW trials, but one word of advise..No matter what your next move is...make sure to "FEED THE PONIES!!!" Take care Brotha! Holler if you need anything!