1/8th scale conversion to FE


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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2018
1/8th scale conversion to FE

With the increasing cost of Nitro fuels I have opted to convert my MHR 9601 1987 Miss Budweiser (rebuilt) Hull to a Fast Electric. Plus I can run Nitro, FE & 1/6th Gas now.

Gutted and sold all the nitro parts.

Built a floor mounted motor plate. Running, a SSS 4092 850KV motor & water jacket and a Water resistant (nothing is water proof ) ZTW 6-12s 150amp esc and pair FANTOM 4 S 5200mHa Graphene 130 c 14.8 Battery’s in series.

After all the mods were completed time to get Her to the pond. Initial test right from the start. She was Fast till she blow over but that's an easy fix.

Not so easy was the noted amount of Flex Shaft chattering that was present. Sounded like a swarm of pissed off Killer Hornets. Also noted by several other guys with the same issue.

It’s thought that because of the much higher RPM the motors turn at the Flex-shaft could not handle the in-crest RPM.

So taking the advice of the Guru of Scale Hydro’s in the PNW, Scott Myers. Opted to purchase a Solid Flex drive set up from Brent Byers (already have one in my 1/6th scale Hydro )

The parts arrived and 8 hrs later the next day back to the pond for test session.

Still fast AND NO SHAFT CHATTER yaaaaa :)

Benefits of this mod.
Much lighter (1/3rd the weight) of the Flex-shaft set up
Far less drive line friction
No shaft chatter

note: Motor, stuffing tube & strut ALIGNMENT IS SUPER CRITICAL

For more detailed info Watch Scott's U Tube video

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where can I get that solid shaft at ??? website or is he on here ??? also what temps and run time you getting with that set up? im about to pull the trigger on a 1/8 hydro to build this fall/ winter
Jesse, those wire drives are from Brent Byer. you can place an order my emailing him at [email protected]
Measure your existing shaft from end to end and Brent can set you up. I would recommend the 1/8" wire over the .098" for an 1/8 scale.