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  1. D

    Boats For Sale Gas rigger w/ RCMK rear exhaust very clean

    I am told by my motor guy this is a 26 cc. No longer have an interest. Doug
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    Boats For Sale Gas rigger w/ RCMK rear exhaust very clean

    I have an interest in the engine. Is it a 30? Is it a 30pro? Has it been modded? More info please. Doug
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    Boats Wanted Koster Cracker Box

    Looking for a KOSTER CRACKER BOX - unbuilt kit. I know it may be a stretch, but thinking there may be one out there. I may consider a built one depending on the condition. Doug
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    Pit Area Ground Mats

    Ordered a KUMA ground cover. Recycled polypropylene. Says it won't kill grass too. Went with this mainly because of size availability. 9' x 18' covers good under a 10' x 20' tent. Thanks for the input. Doug
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    Pit Area Ground Mats

    After getting rained on again and putting my cheap carpet in the dumpster rather than in my trailer for the trip home, I'm looking for better alternates. I should have inquired at Johnston City what some of the guys were using but didn't. I see some are like a plastic with good draining etc...
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    Midwest scale championship

    Hey Wes and the Ellet gang. The Riptide crew is again very much looking forward to your race. It's our locked in go to destination. And you can count on any of us to help with the race. Just got to let us know what to do and when. Doug
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    Sealing a Wood Boat

    Thanks Don and Mark. Going to pull the trigger on some Resin Research today. Doug
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    Sealing a Wood Boat

    I've only used ACP Epoxy for all my building. They no longer sell it. Tried Fiberglast - no good. Won't use West as all the boats I've repaired over the years that was built with West were all very brittle. Question for the guys using the Resin Reasearch. The smallest package I find is a 3...
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    Sold 23 basically new props w/case

    Dito - I would take the COCR Th1 +5. Will offer 130.00 shipped. Doug
  10. D

    outfitting retrieve boat

    Hi Jack. Thanks for the retrieve work you guys did this last weekend. If you can refit this new boat with what I see in the front of Rays pic I'll come over and help rig it!! Doug
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    Riptide Race Question

    Correction - One round Friday afternoon. Saturday maybe 2 or 3 rounds depending on how it goes. Then last round on Sunday plus the finals.
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    Riptide Race Question

    Open water Thursday afternoon 7/20 and again Friday morning 7/21. One round Friday afternoon. Two rounds Saturday 7/22. Fourth round and the fifth round finals on Sunday 7/23. Goal is to get allot of rounds in and get you all headed back home relatively early on Sunday. Doug
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    1/8th Scale FE Rules package for Evansville,Johnson City ,St Ann's, Kenosha etc?

    sbowden21 - I am going to assume there will be room due to the natural attrition of some of the nitro classes in D4 and D14. Or maybe not run 2-3 boat classes anymore. Because D4 and D14 is adopting the motor and cell count package this is a little more than a club thing. Not 100% sure but I...
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    1/8th Scale FE Rules package for Evansville,Johnson City ,St Ann's, Kenosha etc?

    I left electric awhile back with a quite a bit of experience. I have no desire to return but I am building 2 Fe Scales for a couple club members. They will be set up with 8S Graphine cells at 130c 6300mah, TP Motor 860 KV and the new Hydra controller. Follow what your friends and fella racers...
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    Stock Select Vendors

    After 4 pages of BS finally got some useful information coming through. Thanks to Wes and the other guy's recommending Russ Stark. I don't see Russ Stark on the Zenoah Web site list of Distributors. Does he go by another name? I also will call BH Hansen back and inquire again about the...
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    Stock Select Vendors

    Been trying not to throw anyone or any suppliers under the bus. Just simply wanted to know where and how to purchase a sealed in the original box engine. I must be lucky - of the 3 engines I bought his year - one had a bent crank, one had too many scuff marks for my liking and one had the top...
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    Stock Select Vendors

    Sorry Mikey. Asked for original boxed engines from BH Hansen and he would not sell them to me that way. Neither would Gizmo and it sounds as though Bonzi won't either according to one post. To those that keep referring to this thread as a performance subject/concern - it is not.
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    Stock Select Vendors

    My concern is not a performance issue. I chose not to have scuff marks in or on my engine in the case I get torn down. I also chose not to purchase rejected parts so that a certain few secret persons get the top dog measured parts. Still looking for the suppliers that can accommodate my...
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    Stock Select Vendors

    Pretty weak excuse. The customer pays the shipping cost. The cost and time to re-pack makes no sense. One of the motors I received by a fore-mentioned supplier showed it had clearly been dis-assembled. As a young kid I was told not to play in a sand box with turds in it.