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  1. N

    ML 1/10th Scale Newton 164/ MHR 9401 Kit

    Thanks for all the feed back guys. So I finally go to take the boat out for its maiden run today. So from the advise I removed the wing and just ran it how it was with a x440/3. First attempt I put the boat in the water and it was just pushing the water. So I got my mate to give it a launch and...
  2. N

    ML 1/10th Scale Newton 164/ MHR 9401 Kit

    Hi all. Thanks for the replies. So the boat is built to run clockwise and I was going to start with an x440, 1440 and m440 which I have. I have some other 40mm props to try also but are mostly just cnc ones. I am not looking for outright speed to start with just a good running hull. I will...
  3. N

    ML 1/10th Scale Newton 164/ MHR 9401 Kit

    HI All I have just finished building a 10th scale hydro as mentioned above and before i run it wanted to know a little bit about setup as i dont want to destroy the hull. all the info i have is below. ML 1/10th Scale Newton 164/ MHR 9401 Kit built as the Budweiser rear ride pads have been...
  4. N

    Boats For Sale OS 21XMparts

    Would you be will the sell the water cooled head separately shipped to Australia
  5. N

    Real World number on Castle x8s

    Hi All I just wanted to hear if anyone is running the castle x8s esc or even the new hydra version, and has real numbers on the continues amp draw. My current setup 4s outboard tunnel requires 200amp as my previous seaking 180 would only give me about 1.5 laps before it would cut when i...
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    Gas Outboard F1 Tunnel Hull

    Nothing like a Schmidt built boat..... wait till you run it.
  7. N

    Gas Outboard F1 Tunnel Hull

    Thanks Scott.
  8. N

    Gas Outboard F1 Tunnel Hull

    Hi Scott Do you mind sharing some setup info like cg and leg setup. Cheers Neal
  9. N

    Found Novarossi .46 outboard header

    Allg good. Thank you for the trouble
  10. N

    Found Novarossi .46 outboard header

    Ahhh bugger. None of the headers are 90 deg outboard ones and the back plates are not pto's. Is that all you had
  11. N

    Painting tuned pipe

    use a high temp pain that has ceramic in it. remember to bake it ir it will just wipe off. I just used a bbq for baking mine at 200deg c for 2 hours and no issues.
  12. N

    Found Novarossi .46 outboard header

    Sorry my bad. I will take them shipped to 2174 Australia.
  13. N

    Found Novarossi .46 outboard header

    Response sent. Happy to take.
  14. N

    Found Novarossi .46 outboard header

    Hi All Chasing a novarossi .46 outboard header new our used but needs to be in good working order please. Cheers, Neal
  15. N

    Found Looking for novarossi engines

    No real need for a 67, but thanks
  16. N

    Found Looking for novarossi engines

    Hi all I'm chasing a novarossi .46 outboard and .21 keep outboard. Let me know what you have Cheers Neal
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