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  1. R

    Silent Engines

    Very sad ,he pushed everyone to go faster! R.I.P friend gonna miss ya.
  2. R

    flywheel O.D

    Question. Are the O.D's of a Nova Rossi 21 front exhaust (over the flywheel) and K21 flywheels he same? thx.
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    ipex-13 connector

    thanks sent them out for service .
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    ipex-13 connector

    I am looking for some IPEX-13 connectors for Futaba RX. This in the one soldered to the board. I have found some ,but I cannot determine if they are the correct size. Any electronic gurus out here? thx.
  5. R

    J.A.E 45 GT Kit boat Basic dimensions FWIW

    very welcome ,any questions just contact me.
  6. R

    J.A.E 45 GT Kit boat Basic dimensions FWIW

    Transom to engine C/L 19.5 inches Rudder (no taper L.E.) 2-5/8 below ski Pipe 9.5 ish Rudder L.E 2-1/2" from transom Toe in 1/8" Tub Offset outside 9" Inside 8-3/4 (to the right top view) Strut flat /.1-.2 degrees neg ABC 2317 bag prop. 0-80 or -2-56 pin on rear boom inside tub CD Machine...
  7. R

    First rigger to build for impba p (4s) or Q(6s)

    R 4 from Zipp runs really well in traffic.
  8. R

    Parts Wanted LF Pipe Mount for muffled CMB 67.

    Dave Brown makes a nice quick and cushioned mount . Ohio Superstar products. $5.99 I lay silicone in the arch ,add wax paper and lay the pipe in the mount,perfect fit. He calls it "hush mount" Great hobbies has them also. O ring secures pipe. $13.99
  9. R

    Parts Wanted Lookin for CMB .21 carb.

    Money sent, thank you, race well and hello to Kristine!
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    Parts Wanted Lookin for CMB .21 carb.

    Richard I'll take the Black one with the low speed needle cut off, thank you . How to pay? ship to : ron zaker jr **** * ***** *** ******* ** 60148.
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    Parts Wanted Lookin for CMB .21 carb.

    ok GREAT let me know what you need for it. thank you.
  12. R

    Parts Wanted Lookin for CMB .21 carb.

    lol not sure dont have the K motor yet.
  13. R

    Parts Wanted Lookin for CMB .21 carb.

    Looking for CMB .21 carb,thx. FOUND
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    yes 2.4
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    Not yet, need to build something lol