Roger Newton...


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Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
I regret to inform everyone that my father passed away this morning at 10:44. He developed may complications after his surgery due to the severity of the heart attack. He passed quietly and quickly without any pain or discomfort. In lieu of any flowers please send donations to the Hydroplane and Raceboat Museum or Medic 1. I will get more detail on that later. Everyone can take comfort in knowing that he is up there now racing with my mother, Troy and all of the other fellow hydroplane brethren that has been taken from us. Thank you for everyone’s support throughout the entire process for my dad. I know it meant the world to him to know before he passed that so many people loved and cared for him. It is my hopes to continue the plan business as I know how important it was for him to continue the growth and development of model hydroplane racing. For now Newton Marine is on hold, after the dust settles I will make announcements to fill the backlog of orders and info everyone of the future of its direction. God bless you dad you are now at peace.
I regret to inform everyone that my father passed away this morning at 10:44. He developed may complications after his surgery due to the severity of the heart attack. He passed quietly and quickly without any pain or discomfort. In lieu of any flowers please send donations to the Hydroplane and Raceboat Museum or Medic 1. I will get more detail on that later. Everyone can take comfort in knowing that he is up there now racing with my mother, Troy and all of the other fellow hydroplane brethren that has been taken from us. Thank you for everyone’s support throughout the entire process for my dad. I know it meant the world to him to know before he passed that so many people loved and cared for him. It is my hopes to continue the plan business as I know how important it was for him to continue the growth and development of model hydroplane racing. For now Newton Marine is on hold, after the dust settles I will make announcements to fill the backlog of orders and info everyone of the future of its direction. God bless you dad you are now at peace.

We love you David, Debbie, and Family. Our hearts go out to you.

We loved you Roger!!

I'm so sorry to hear of your dads passing. It was a true honor to meet him (The Czar).



Very sorry to hear about your fathers' sympathy to you & your family.

~Bill Schumaker

(Attached article from 1976 Powerboat Magazine)

David, I'm so sad to hear this news......My heart sunk deep.... :( ....It was always great to have worked with Roger back in the 90's on the computer and applications boat and hear all the stories Roger would tell us Canadians......From my family and the guys here in Namba district 16....Godspeed and you have our warmest sympathies....
May God Bless you and all your Family, He shall live on forever through his dedicaded work and in every Boater's heart's!!

I am very glad I had the privilege of meeting Roger at the Winter Nats this year. He will be missed.

My deepest sympathy to you and your family.
Sorry to hear that Roger has past away. It was an honor to have done business with him in the passed. He will be missed.

David if you need anything let us know. Us 7-11 fans have to stay together.

Tom and Kelly
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David, My deepest condolences to you, Debbie and your families. what a sad day,

The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:

He leadeth me beside the still waters.

He restoreth my soul:

He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name' sake.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,

I will fear no evil: For thou art with me;

Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies;

Thou annointest my head with oil; My cup runneth over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life,

and I will dwell in the House of the Lord forever.

The Hansen Family
I hated to read this post tonight, Our thoughts,prayers and all the love we can pass to you David go to you and your family tonight. Rest in peace Roger, You will always be "The Man".

Silent engine's for the "Czar".


I was following this on Jim's and couldn't believe it when I read the last news... I am truly very sad, your father was a great man and I feel honored to have had a few occasions to spend time with him. My sincere condolences to you, your family and friends. A great loss indeed. :(
David and Newton family. I lost a great Hall of Fame member of R/CU and a very great freind. I only have know your dad for 12 years but what a great 12 years that has been. I talked to him many times on the phone and he would always say " Whats Up Chet" . Now that is gone. The e-mails are also gone. There will never be another Carz. The Lepnski Racing team has black strips on there boats for this weekend race in honer of your dad and we will decate this race in his name. God bless you and your sister. Will talk to you later.

Chet the Jet and Brian Lepinski
David, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I had the pleasure of meeting you Father and sit on a picnic table and talk about boats for hours. What a great man. Long live the name CZAR

Don McKay

Madison In.
David and Newton family. I lost a great Hall of Fame member of R/CU and a very great freind. I only have know your dad for 12 years but what a great 12 years that has been. I talked to him many times on the phone and he would always say " Whats Up Chet" . Now that is gone. The e-mails are also gone. There will never be another Carz. The Lepnski Racing team has black strips on there boats for this weekend race in honer of your dad and we will decate this race in his name. God bless you and your sister. Will talk to you later.
Chet the Jet and Brian Lepinski
We lost a good one,I enjoyed racing with him last year. Sorry for your loss, Mike Schindler...........
Our thoughts and prayers are with the Newton family, truly a sad day. I met Roger and David this past Winternats in Orlando and was great talking to both.

Great people and truly a loss to the RC Boating Community.

God Bless,

Doug & Kerri Carter