check this video out


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It's sad that someone from England can describe something so clearly and that the rest of the world can see so clearly what's going on, yet the politicians in our own country either can't or won't see what's really happening. I've been against the mosque all along, but to hear someone from London speak of similar moves by the "Islamic church leadership", I feel the people of the city, county and state of New York need to recall the politicians and stop the mosque from being built.
Everyone who supports the mosque being built in NY should be made to watch this video. If they are as 'Tolerant' as they claim, it should be no problem.

Tolerance,... That's what wrong with us now. Politicians think if we cave in to these morons they will stop killing people. That's just stupid.

Tolerance usually means you want me to do what you want, but you don't ever need to see my point of view.

I hate the word 'Tolerant', you hear it on the news every day. Muslims think we should just try to understand Islam and we would see the light.

Hey, I have an Idea. Why don't we just tell them If they want a mosque here then they need to let us build a Catholic Church In Mecca.

On second thought, I would not want a catholic church there, And I still don't want a mosque next to ground zero either.

And here's another little tidbit. If 'HE' does not want people to think he is a closet muslim, then perhaps 'HE' should should try a little harder to not look like 'HE' is so cozy with them.

Exactly what does NASA and Islam have in common anyway...

Tolerate this...



*PS: Here's an interesting story...

Click Here
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nov. 2 is 'barn jr.'s birthday. let's all give him the best gift ever - vote these idiots out of office!!!!!
This has been a hot topic at work and everyone agrees that it will be truly sad if this is aloud to happen , what is going on with your great country ?

Tim K
This has been a hot topic at work and everyone agrees that it will be truly sad if this is aloud to happen , what is going on with your great country ?

Tim K
Yes the guy hit the nail wright on the head..
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