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  1. D

    seaducer servo box

    thanks joe for the email,checked your web site,very helpfull, appreciated
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    seaducer servo box

    would some one have any ideas on a new set up for my seaducer radio box as you can see in the pic it needs one,the battery wont fit under floor any more, gone larger servos,this is what i came up with today, but not happy with it, also in the second pic are these servo mounts made in all sizes...
  3. D

    Pipe for a .45 CMB in a mono?

    hi all, also run cmb 45 in mono, [seaducer]was wondering if any body is running the new andy brown pipe in this up,and at what length are they running at, and how do they compare with the cooper pipes, thanks for any info cheers
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    birthday boys

    just like to wish all the guys having a birthday on the 1/1/08 including my self, best day to have a birthday twice the kisses from the girls and never have to work on my birthday yet, what to you guys think are you happy to be born on such a great day, all the best and hope you all have a very...
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    Futaba R603FF 2.4 GHz FASST Receiver

    thanks stein and time bandit,and every body else on this site for the help, saved me alot of frustration [iv lost the manual for the system] its great to know i wont have to mount the entena outside the box, i had not evan got to that stage of the excersize to mount the erial so that is going...
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    Futaba R603FF 2.4 GHz FASST Receiver

    well i just tested the servos with different system,they must of burnt out, still no go when i was trying to change to reverse mode i didnt hit the end button twice,maybe that could be the problem iv changed back to pcm mode, will that stop the servos from blowin up, what servos should i be...
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    Futaba R603FF 2.4 GHz FASST Receiver

    thanks racemechanix,i was tring to opperate the system in hrs, that web sight, iv been trying to join up but haveing no luck over the last few months, must"nt like me for some reason, so i cant get to read that thread
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    Futaba R603FF 2.4 GHz FASST Receiver

    thanks bob and mikey for the help,bob iv tried numerous times to set the the servos the way you discribed but still the same,mike i havent found where to set the servos in non digital mode,[some help there will be handy] ill keep looking,the receiver seems good on other servos[ larger futaba]...
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    Futaba R603FF 2.4 GHz FASST Receiver

    hi, just brought the futaba fasst system [r603fs] has only 1 entena, im running hitech hs-81 servos for throttle and third channel, problem is i cant put the servos in reverse, and now they wont go at all, [think their blown] i hook other servos up and they work but still cant get them to work...
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    Andy's new pipes ............

    waltr,iv never seen snow before,come to think of it cant remember the last time it rained, anyway i have one of these andy brown pipes but i cant help you don iv never used it, im saving for a motor to put in my seaducer, im getting very impatient, the pipes look great and bye all reports...
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    Aaron Alberico The Big 27th Birthday

    happy birthday arron, any birthday specials you want to tell us about :D :D sent you an e-mail cheers david
  12. D

    pipe length

    thanks allan for the info ill give it a go, much appreciated
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    pipe length

    would somebody be kind enough to give me the pipe length with a 45 cmb with a cooper pipe in a seaducer with a 450 3 blade octura prop, thanks for any info
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    pipe sugestions

    hi all, looking to put a pipe on my new cmb90 [seaducer90/100] been checking out andy browns new 90/100 pipes, just wondering what every body else is useing, or your sugestions on what pipe to use, any feed back will be appreciated cheers
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    search engine

    hi there, is anybody having trouble useing the search engine on this site,coss every time i try to use it,it comes up blank, been trying to use it for a few weeks now, with same results. cheers cabbage
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    old mac 67

    Thanks for the info andy and carl,i was given the motor of a mate that was getting out of the game,thought id play around with it till i found a boat [cheap] to put the motor in,the motor aparently has been done up after it seized up, Andy ill try the set up you reckamended and see what...
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    old mac 67

    just wondering if any body would know what the needle settings for this 1989 russian mac 67 i think its a low down needle setting thats giving me the trouble,any info would be much appreciated,thank you
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    OT: afternoon humor

    A bloke and his wife were lying in bed after a night of passion when the bloke let off a ripper of a fart and yelled out 4 points,his wife asked what he was doing and he replied he was playing fart football.His wife decided to get involved, she ripped one off and hollered 4 points where even...
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    Thanks Tom

    I third that, cant go past a boat that looks like a boat,trying to up load pic of my retreive boat,used to be fishing boat,not having much luck,how big do i make these pics
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    Sorry for shouting didnt realise,thanks for the replies,iv been reading the post on the seaducers and they do sound a bit temprermental,why i asked is that i went to a club day the other day [Australia] and i got the impression a few of the guys there didnt have a reel high apinion of the...