Recent content by troymcintire


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  1. troymcintire

    Any McIntire new?

    I will be back in the shop next week. More Mom and medical stuff to deal with. I find it strange that after leaving my email and phone number on here that no one calls or writes, only gets in here and complains. I am getting my Mom a caregiver so I can get back to my stuff so I will be back at...
  2. troymcintire

    RC Sportscraft deliveries

    Sorry guys I have been gone dealing with more 8o year old Mom stuff again. She fell in the rehab for the second time and had brain swelling problems to go along with being stapled back together. I will be here next week to fill more orders. I will be doing medical stuff with her all weekend (no...
  3. troymcintire

    Miss Bardhal cab over ??

    I was refering to the full scale dimesions. The model you could modify would be Rogers 108 hull. but you would be best off to get a set of plans from Roger to make the 66 bardahl from scratch.
  4. troymcintire

    OPS 65 Header

    Robbie Roberts here in RCU used to make beautiful water cooled stainless headers for the OPS engines, I ran them for years. Last phone # I had for him is (206) 246-9349. Hope this helps Troy
  5. troymcintire

    Miss Bardhal cab over ??

    The Cabover Bardahl was designed by Ron Jones. It was originally to be a piclefork that Ole Bardalh changed midstream into a roundbow because he didn't like the picklefork design (he thought it to be too dangerous, It was later built by Ron as designed as the 1970 Twin Chrysler Pay n Pak). So...
  6. troymcintire

    RC Sportscraft deliveries

    Tom, I built you a hull. it sat here for almost 5 months with no response from you. It was sold. I built a second boat for you, it sat here with no response and was sold. I told you I was working on another but would not finish it until it was oaid for and then everything started going bad...
  7. troymcintire

    RC Sportscraft deliveries

    Mike Email me with this info. I haven't talked to anyone in this situation and promised them 2 weeks. Please let me know so I can contact this person and take care of it. Troy Hi everybody. I am still recovering myself and things are moving along slowly but they are moving. I was gone having...
  8. troymcintire

    RC Sportscraft deliveries

    Ron, I wish everyone had your attitude, but.. they don't. Some wouldn't care if I worked until I dropped just as long as theirs was the last part I made. I hate to say it but this experience has me thinking about getting out of the business and finding something else to do. Problem is I don't...
  9. troymcintire

    RC Sportscraft deliveries

    Thats in the cowls I am doing this week dept. Also thanks for you understanding in your email and thanks to Don McKay for his words of encouragement last week. Some people are not so kind. Its good to see people that are. Thanks Troy
  10. troymcintire

    RC Sportscraft deliveries

    Hello All, Moms not doing well and I have benn gone for a few days again. I am going as fast as I can so please be patient. Stuff sent out Loebner Almirola to Russ Beatty Stang Johnson And Duckering will go out tomorrow. Next, I will be doing cowls the rest of this week and I will be...
  11. troymcintire

    Troy McIntire? Need some information Please

    Bill, you are right If I could have contacted anyone it would have been better but it was one of those things that happened so fast I was here one hour and gone the next and I don't have any family or anyone to get on the board for me in an emergency. Recurring theme or not thats been the story...
  12. troymcintire

    Troy McIntire? Need some information Please

    Sorry to everyone. I am back. The last month has been a medical nightmare. I am not ignoring anyone I have not been here to respond. I will have everything going again end of the week. If you have any questions call me. This stuff on this forum of accusations by people that don't know whats...
  13. troymcintire

    Need customer contact info after break in

    Tommy, email me shipping info so when I am done here in a couple of weeks I have it. Grub got you contact info email. Thanks Troy
  14. troymcintire

    Need customer contact info after break in

    Hello, RC Sportscraft is going again after the break in but I still have some orders that I don't know who or where they were going to since all of my info was destroyed. If you are waiting for parts please email me at [email protected] and I will get stuff going to you. Thanks Troy
  15. troymcintire

    RC Sportscraft also Burglarized

    I would like to thank those that have called today and offered help and to even send tools to get me up and running again. I could not ask for friends better than the ones I have made in boat racing. Thanks again to all, Troy