Record Trial, Flint MI, Sept 29, 30th. Backup date Oct 6 & 7th.


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Terry Keeley

Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Jul 24, 2002
Great news! The dam is repaired and our Fall event is on! Only 4 weeks away!

All IMPBA classes for SAW and 1/3rd Oval, 8am-dark. Come and go any time, flat $25 to register, run as often as time permits.

We will cancel and go to the backup date by 6pm on Thursday, Sept 27th if the weather looks questionable. Check here for updates.

Map of Thread Lake, we're at the north end of Orville St., north of McKinley Park:

Knights Inn where we stay, around $45/nt:

Here's some pix from past events:

Come run the big water!

Mike and Rob Betke with Mike's record holding Sport 40:

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Getting the boats and propellers ready for about a half a dozen people
for next weekend. Can’t wait till Saturday morning.
Testing 12’s and 45’s in an hour up here in Traverse City, Michigan today.
It should be a good time weather permitting. The Sport 40 oval record maybe
in jeopardy again this year. Mike Betke is working on another good two lap
tune up.
With some fresh water in Thread Lake it may be faster now?
Yeah, I better pack some more salt.


Mark Sholund
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Weather's looking really good for this weekend, cold front goes through tomorrow and the big high behind it stays until Sunday.

High 60 both days and very light breeze from the west (protected direction).

FAST member Mark Stein can't make it this weekend so we won't have the portable driver's stand but we will have a 6' high section of scaffold instead. You will have to climb up unless someone brings a ladder.

See ya on the weekend!
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It looks like you may have hit a solid piece of lead in the water?

Hopefully it will all wash down past the dam for Saturday morning?

See you and Mike on Saturday morning bright and early.

It is John Beardslee Birthday Today, so we would like to see if his

twin will go 100+ MPH on Saturday morning.


Mark Sholund
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Will be good to see you again Glen and finally meet your lovely bride!

We worked our butts off today pulling some weeds that grew in the launch area when the water was down but got it cleared out enough to run. A huge thank you to Doug Murany for all his hard work also.

Looking like a good weekend, see ya'll in the am!
Terry, Mike, Doug, & David,

Thanks guys for all the hard work that went into making Saturday

such an enjoyable day with model boats and great friends. There is no other

hobby that has such: nice, genuine, and thoughtful people to make a

Record Trials or Boat race happen. A Special Shout Out to the Murany

Family of: Doug, Matt, and David, such a great group of friends that do

a lot of testing and information sharing with me all year long. Also, I have

to thank My Pit Man John Beardslee for all his hard work and sharing

his years of knowledge with me all year long. We just missed our goal

yesterday trying to make Johns heat racing 91-VAC SST-Twin to go 100 MPH

in heat race trim. The ABC 2721s were running well, but we just ran out of

good daylight and energy at the end of the day yesterday. All I can say is that

John will be bringing some pretty fast boats down South this winter. Mike and

Jerry Betke thanks for lunch and all the help you two give me all year long.

It was also nice to see Glenn and Donna Quarles come over from Big Rapids, Michigan

yesterday and watch us try to improve our model boating skills.

Glenn is a huge help with his years of knowledge building and setting up model boats.

He also makes great custom guitars if you are ever looking for a new one?

Thanks For A Great Day,

Mark Sholund
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Well said Mark! Great group of people here in our area that constantly go above and beyond to make boat racing allot of fun. I had a great time at the time trails and want to thank everyone in the club who hosted the event. As well as all of the clubs, raffle prize donator's, and volunteers for making 2018 a great season of racing in district 2 and the surrounding districts!
Thank you to the "Fast" Club for the hard work getting Thread Lake ready and arranging for the good Saturday weather and to all for the birthday wishes!! All though not quite getting to 100 with the twin I did get .125 sec away from it for 96.3 mph. Very satisfying for sure but my greatest satisfaction comes from all the help and support of the model boating community!! The list of helpers are a who's who of model boating, all covered by Mark Sholund in his previous post. It's been my pleasure to have been involved with it for many years and then returning in recent years to discover it's as strong and filled with sportsmanship, support and close comradery as ever!! Thank you all !!!!!

Thanks all for the kind words, looks like we've resurrected Thread Lake-again!

Yesterday was wet most of the day but we got some good flat testing water so we just hung out under a canopy and ran boats.

I'll have some photos and video up tomorrow, now I'm off to return the scaffold, clean out the retrieve boat and do a little winter maintenance.
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Thanks Terry and the guys for all the hard work you put in to have the time trials. It is very appreciated that we have a place like Thread Lake to try and set records on. Well done!